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Duppies demonise The Playhouse

It was a fun evening last Tuesday (15) at the Prospect Playhouse when the premier of the Indie film “Duppies” was shown. Phil Eckstein, an award winning screenplay writer, was on hand to greet the fifty plus enthusiastic audience members…

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Anne – Part 76

We continue our serialisation of Anne by Constance Fenimore Woolson “What are to be my duties?” asked Anne.  “Whatever I require,” answered the old woman, grimly. When the song was ended, there was much applause of the subdued drawing-room kind—applause,…

iBooks iEntertainment

Anne – Part 75

We continue our serialisation of Anne by Constance Fenimore Woolson “Miss Vanhorn had no intention of betraying her impression for the amusement of her ancient enemy” Anne greeted her grandaunt with the same mixture of timidity and hope, which she…

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Latest ‘Call of Duty’ game breaks sales record

NEW YORK (AP) — By the third time around, it really shouldn’t be a surprise. The latest “Call of Duty” video game set a first-day sales record this week, generating $400 million in sales in its first 24 hours in…