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August 2012 was the Earth’s 4th warmest August on record

State of the Climate
Global Analysis
August 2012 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Climatic Data Center Global Highlights The average combined global land and ocean surface temperature for August 2012 was 0.62°C (1.12°F) above the 20th century average of 15.6°C (60.1°F)….

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Cayman seeks US help with horny dolphin

From caribbean360 Latest story on our sexually frustrated dolphin A Cayman Islands dolphin who caught international media attention after his sexually aggressive behaviour was posted on YouTube is prompting increasing concern among island officials. The increasingly aggressive lone male bottlenose…

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International Renewable Energy Agency Renewables and Islands Global Summit

6-7 September 2012, Malta From The Cayman Institute Posted by Nicholas B. Robson The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Renewables and Islands Global Summit took place from Thursday, 6 to Friday, 7 September 2012 in Malta. More than 130 representatives…

Endangered Cayman Islands Parrots and Iguanas Could Use More Shelters and Havens

By John R. Platt | Scientific American September 14, 2012 | We have heard a lot about Cayman Islands banking during this election season, but what about Cayman Islands endangered species? The three tiny islands that make up the Caymans—Grand Cayman,…

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Cayman Island Orchids

This article shows concern, not just for the Dendrophylax fawcettii (Cayman Islands ghost orchid) that we highlighted on Friday (17) but two others. It is ironic that these articles are appearing on outside websites whilst government seems to be quiet…

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ANALYSIS: Are we being told the full truth about GM mosquitoes [that were released in the Cayman Islands]?

Helen Wallace The Ecologist Promotion of GM mosquitoes as a way to tackle a tropical disease is simply part of a PR strategy intended to pave the way to a new global business selling GM agricultural pests, says Helen Wallace…

Cayman Islands Ghost Orchid listed in 100 Most Threatened Species

From OurAmazingPlanet Staff The International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s Species Survival Commission has issued its first ever list of what it considers the 100 most threatened species of animals, plants and fungi on the planet. The full list…

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Hurricane Ivan remembered

By Hazard Management First published 9th Sept, 2010 Hurricane Ivan was a “classical” long lived Cape Verde hurricane. It has been categorized as one of the most powerful hurricanes to hit the Caribbean in recorded history. On September 2 Ivan…

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Dengue mosquito population in Grand Cayman suppressed by 80%

Oxitec and MRCU Report 80% Suppression of a Dengue Mosquito Population in Grand Cayman by Release of Engineered Sterile Male Mosquitoes – Nature Biotechnology Releases of Oxitec’s genetically modified mosquitoes achieved an 80% reduction of a local mosquito population in…

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Cayman Islands is centre stage in

Clean (or Cleaner) Cars Stanford’s 2012-2013 Solar Car Project Is Getting Underway: The Stanford Solar Car Project team is looking for new recruits. In case you weren’t aware, the team “designs, builds, and races solar cars to compete in the…