
iLocal News Archives


iHealth News

What are Allergies and how do we test for them?

Dr John Addleson, who heads up the International Medical group, is a well known and well respected physician who has been practicing on island for over 22 years. By: Dr. John Addleson An Allergy is a hypersensitivity disorder of the…

iHealth News

The Power of Beans

Brandi Propas is the newest addition to The International Medical Group. She is a registered dietician and her services are a welcome complement to the clinic. “Beans, beans, good for the heart, the more you eat the more you….” We’ve…

iHealth News

Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy

Dr Lynn Dawber, a South African national, joined the International Medical Group from New Zealand. She is a welcome additional to our family and we look forward to our patients (new and existing) meeting her. Dr Lynn Dawber Nausea and…

iHealth iLifestyle iLocal News News

What is 5-HTP?

5-HTP marketed as a natural supplement pill used for anxiety, depression, mood disorders, insomnia, fibromyalgia, appetite control and weight loss, and impulse control, and interactions with drugs and prescription medications such as SSRI antidepressants and natural antidepressants such as SAM-e…

iEnvironment iHealth iLocal News News

Mutant mosquitos may be a human health risk

GM mosquitoes created by a British laboratory and released in Cayman as part of an experiment could thrive in the wild to pose a risk to human health and the environment, it has been claimed. The warning comes from GM…

iHealth iLifestyle iLocal News News


The International Medical Group is a multi-disciplinary medical practice that offers professional and personalized care. Dr Bella Beraha, born in Venezuela, joined us this month from Miami. She is an M.D. in Internal Medicine and runs a successful medically supervised…

iHealth iOpinion News Our Eye

Bottled Water

“Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink.”  Pure bottled water is one of the biggest businesses in many developing countries. The populations of these countries which used to carry their drinking water (mostly drawn from the communal wells)…

iHealth iOpinion News Our Eye

Alzheimer’s Disease and prevention

The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease (AD). It is characterised by a loss of cognitive function that can include disrupted thinking, memory, reasoning, communication, personality and cognitive speed. It is degenerative in nature, with cognitive abilities decreasing…

iCommunity iHealth iLocal News News

HSA welcomes another new Caymanian Doctor

After her years of hard work and dedication, it is a proud moment for the Health Services Authority (H.S.A.) to announce that Caymanian physician, Dr. Ciara Best, has joined their physician team. Dr. Best, who has recently returned home to…

iHealth iLifestyle News

Hurley’s Novartis medicine warning

Hurley’s Marketplace has received notice that Novartis Consumer Health has recalled certain bottles of four of its over-the-counter medications – Excedrin, Bufferin, Gas-X and NoDoz – because they may contain stray pills or capsules from other Novartis products, or contain…