
iLocal News Archives


iCommunity iHealth iLocal News News

HSA welcomes another new Caymanian Doctor

After her years of hard work and dedication, it is a proud moment for the Health Services Authority (H.S.A.) to announce that Caymanian physician, Dr. Ciara Best, has joined their physician team. Dr. Best, who has recently returned home to…

iHealth iLifestyle News

Hurley’s Novartis medicine warning

Hurley’s Marketplace has received notice that Novartis Consumer Health has recalled certain bottles of four of its over-the-counter medications – Excedrin, Bufferin, Gas-X and NoDoz – because they may contain stray pills or capsules from other Novartis products, or contain…

iHealth iWorld News News

Stephen Hawking to turn 70, defying disease

CAMBRIDGE, England (AP) — British scientist Stephen Hawking has decoded some of the most puzzling mysteries of the universe but he has left one mystery unsolved: How he has managed to survive so long with such a crippling disease. The…

iFood iHealth iOpinion News Our Eye

Healthy foods to keep you fit

Healthy eating and physical fitness go together, but there are no magic foods that cause you to be one hundred percent healthy by just eating the one food. No, you need a variety of foods from each of these food…

iHealth iOpinion News Our Eye

Clean water

Clean water is vital to the human body as it is composed of 50 to 70 per cent water.  The human body needs a regular supply of clean drinking water to maintain health. We need clean water for cooking and…

How to keep your brain healthy

The International Medical Group is a multi-disciplinary medical practice that offers professional and personalised care. Dr Lynn Dawber is a South African national who joined us from New Zealand where she has been practicing for a number of years. She…

The aging brain

The International Medical Group is a multi-disciplinary medical practice that offers professional and personalized care. We have recently welcomed a new general practitioner, an internist and a registered dietician into our realm. Dr Lynn Dawber is a South African national who…

Recognising & Managing Eating Disorders

The International Medical Group is a multi-disciplinary medical practice that offers professional and personalized care. Dr Bella Beraha, born in Venezuela, joins us from Miami. She is an M.D. in Internal Medicine and runs a successful medically supervised weight loss programme…

iHealth iLifestyle

Breakfast, the Most Important Meal of the Day

The International Medical Group is a multi-disciplinary medical practice that offers professional and personalised care. Brandi Propas is the newest addition to The International Medical Group. She is a registered dietician and her services are a welcome complement to the…

iHealth iLifestyle

Safe food handling for the Christmas holidays

Did you know that the turkey you thawed on the kitchen counter, instead of in the fridge, could now contain bacteria levels high enough to harm human life, even though you can’t see, smell, or taste it? There’s nothing better…