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iHealth iLifestyle

MRI Scans

In the 1980s Magnetic Resonance Imaging or MRI scans astounded the medical society by not just taking an image of the brain itself, but by concentrating on water molecules, as an alternative to imaging the degree to which the various…

iHealth iLocal News News Today

Friendly environment for child abuse victims

Children who are victims of sexual abuse will be interviewed by specially trained officers in more comfortable surroundings thanks to a new initiative. A groundbreaking deal has been struck between the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service and the Health Services…

iHealth iLifestyle

Car Accidents & Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Our society is plagued by self-induced stress. Should this be something we pop pills for? Retrospectively, society accepts the unhealthiness of prior forms of medicated stress relief. It is generally accepted that smoking, for example, causes more problems than it…

iHealth iLifestyle

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is a common disorder characterized by excessive worry, tension and anxiety usually when a person faces potentially problematic or dangerous situations. It is also felt when a person perceives an external threat. However, chronic and irrational anxiety can lead…

iHealth iLifestyle

Your body talks just like your tongue

Without even talking your body is sending messages to people around you unless you are a master of disguise. Yes. Your body actually communicates exactly like your tongue. The words you speak account for only 7% of the messages you…