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The Cayman Islands has a multiple listing association that is the envy of the Caribbean

How the Multiple Listing Service ( MLS) of The Cayman Islands Real Estate Brokers Association ( C.I.R.E.B.A ) Works for You The Cayman Islands Real Estate Broker Association ( CIREBA) is comprised of 32 Real Estate member companies who are…

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Cayman Islands Premier gives warning of economy overheating Cayman Islands Premier Hon. Alden McLaughlin has warned the economy could overheat if there is too much development all at once. He warned: “We have to be careful in another year or…

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Haiti: Five years after devastating earthquake tens of thousands still homeless and desperate

From Amnesty International Five years on from a devastating earthquake in Haiti, tens of thousands of people remain homeless as government policy failures, forced evictions and short-term solutions have failed many who lost everything in the disaster, said Amnesty International…

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10 Ways to clean your kitchen less often and enjoy it way more

From The Kitchn Once or twice a year it’s a good and necessary thing to dig deep and really cure your kitchen. But what about daily maintenance? The stuff you can do the rest of the year to keep your…

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Caribbean Journal says: Three new reasons to visit Grand Cayman this season

By Sarah Greaves-Gabbadon CJ Travel Editor Grand Cayman has long been one of the most popular Caribbean destinations but this season there are several new reasons – beyond Stingray City and those famous Seven Mile sands – to visit the…

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A living masterpiece [Chatsworth House]

From Yorkshire Post If you had more than 100 acres of land, what would you do with it? Build houses and retire to the Caribbean – or grow a garden? You could pack a lot of properties into that sort…

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Cayman Islands NCVO Chair says it has been a challenging year for the voluntary organisation

Chairman’s Report for the 2014 Annual General Meeting of the National Council of Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the 2014 NCVO Annual General Meeting. This year has seen a variety of challenges to our abilities…

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Jingle Bell Walk Run for Cayman Islands Crisis Centre

GEORGE TOWN, Grand Cayman: 26 November 2014: The charity fun-run of the year is almost upon us. On Sunday 14 December, hundreds of enthusiastic runners and walkers will be hitting the pavement at the Holiday Inn Resort in support of…

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The working mom dilemma

By Samuel Rosenberg From Caribbean360 NEW YORK, United States – A tough dilemma is the choice of knowing whether you should stay at home and look after and raise a young child or find suitable employment while your children go…

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Daniels brings historical focus on Caribbean

By Karen Caballero From The Knox Student New history professor hopes to foster inclusivity in classroom Associate Professor of History Jason Daniels joined the Knox History Department this fall, and is excited to help expand the History Department offerings by…