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These 4 things happen right before a heart attack

Every year, approximately 785,000 Americans suffer a first heart attack. And 470,000 who’ve already had one or more heart attacks have another one. The scary thing is that 25 percent of ALL heart attacks happen “silently,” without clear or obvious…

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Summer is for Interns

The week starting Monday, 30 July, GIS Spotlight revisits summer interns, examines climate change and refocuses on hurricane preparedness. Join us as we recall how government’s summer interns are able to translate their academic skill into hands-on experience. We highlight…

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The thing about perfect

By Paul McGowan* of PS Audio Perfection is an interesting concept and sometimes it serves us and sometimes it doesn’t. For example when a musician spends their life perfecting their craft to be able to play the music perfectly with…

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The major International health organisations

By IMVA (International Medical Volunteers Association) Introduction Almost the entire cost of health care in the developing world is borne by the developing countries themselves. According to two separate estimates, aid from international health organizations in the developed countries pays…

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Betting terminals: dangerously addictive? A 20second game makes huge profits

Two related stories by Alice Ross appeared on the Bureau of Investigative Journalism (BIJ) about the surge in turbo-charged roulette wheels that have transformed UK’s betting industry. We publish both of them (one is an infographic) as a warning in…

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10 Habits for Better Sleep

By DivineCaroline Getting a good night’s sleep ensures more than extra spring in your step each day.  According to Harvard Women’s Health Watch, chronic sleep loss can contribute to weight gain, high blood pressure, and a weakening of the immune…

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Decriminalization of marijuana

Press statement from Belize press office Belmopan, 16th July 2012.   A committee has been appointed by the Minister of National Security to evaluate and if, appropriate, make proposals for decriminalization of the possession of small portions of Cannabis Sativa (commonly…

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Dietary Treatment for Crohn’s Disease

By Dr. Michael Greger Inflammation has recently emerged as an important player in the development of age-related disability and many of our major chronic diseases including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease. Now that laboratory tests such as C-reactive…

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Why Meat Causes Inflammation

by: Dr. Michael Greger* The anti-inflammatory effect of plant-based diets is about more than just the power of plants. It’s also the avoidance of animal foods. In my Care2 column last week, Dietary Treatment for Crohn’s Disease, I profiled the…

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            Frightened by Joan Wilson I’ve never had to duck into an alley way That’s a place we never used way back in our day But we had a miserable neighbour and his surname was…