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Cayman Islands Minister, Rev. “Dave”, assists in Jewish wedding

Ebonie Hazle and David Barry Rochelson were married Saturday evening at the Round Hill Hotel in Montego Bay, Jamaica. Cantor Stephen Henriques officiated with the assistance of the Rev. Dr. Dave Hazle, a minister of the United Church in Jamaica…

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Turner’s Classic Movies (TCM) cruise coming to Grand Cayman

With the unprecedented success of the 2011 cruise, Turner’s Classic Movies (TCM) have announced a second voyage slated to depart from Miami on January 21, 2013. During the six-day voyage, the Celebrity Constellation will make its way from Florida to…

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Jamaica and Cayman Islands Bishop’s enthronement sermon

Bishop Howard Gregory’s sermon, (heavily edited) at his enthronement, as the 14th Lord Bishop of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, last Thursday (17). I want to use the opportunity to express my sincere thanks to the people of this Diocese…

Youth Sunday at Savannah United Church

by Colleen McGaw Sunday, 20 May was Youth Sunday at Savannah United Church.  The morning began for the children with Sunday School and breakfast, followed by worship celebration in the Church. The service was led by Delano Callender on behalf…

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Cruisers sample Cayman Islands culture

Passengers visiting the Cayman Islands on high volume cruise days were recently welcomed with the sights and sounds of some of Cayman’s best loved cultural experiences. During busy months, such as the period between November 2011 and February 2012, the…

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Jubilee celebrations launch this Saturday (26)

The grand launch of the local observance of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee takes place this Saturday, 26 May at Pedro St. James. The public is invited to participate in the many exciting events that day, and to those…

Cayman Christian Heritage

If you were passing by Elmslie Memorial United Church on the waterfront around 10:30am last Sunday (20) you may have thought you had fallen into a time warp and had gone back a few years. It was Elmslie’s Caymanian Christian…

iCommunity iFaith iJamaica iLifestyle iLocal News iWorld News News

New Anglican bishop begs church to keep far from corruption

Newly installed Anglican Bishop of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, the Right Reverend Dr Howard Gregory, is urging the church to dissociate itself from tainted money, which continues to circulate in the society where corruption is rampant. Gregory said yesterday…

iFaith iLifestyle iOpinion Our Eye

Spiritually Speaking

Did Christ commit suicide? If Christ hadn’t died the way he did would there be Christianity? Christ was never a Christian. He was a Jew and died a Jew. He had been given enough ‘outs’ to being crucified and according…

Cayman Islands Ministry supports the Performing Arts

The Ministry of Education, Training and Employment was a Gold Sponsor of Musicians Ltd.’s production of High School Musical Jr.  At their Sunday show on May 6th, Minister of Education Hon. Rolston Anglin presented them with the sponsorship cheque. Principal…