
iLocal News Archives


iHealth iLifestyle

Breakfast, the Most Important Meal of the Day

The International Medical Group is a multi-disciplinary medical practice that offers professional and personalised care. Brandi Propas is the newest addition to The International Medical Group. She is a registered dietician and her services are a welcome complement to the…

iHealth iLifestyle

Safe food handling for the Christmas holidays

Did you know that the turkey you thawed on the kitchen counter, instead of in the fridge, could now contain bacteria levels high enough to harm human life, even though you can’t see, smell, or taste it? There’s nothing better…

iCulture iLifestyle

Why I Write Poems for you………

I find writing poems good for one’s ego Once I get started I just can’t let go Even though sometimes it’s really tough going Most of the time my thoughts are flowing. But if I really think deep and concentrate…

iCulture iLifestyle


I wonder what it feels like being in the driver’s seat, And to have such power riding beneath one’s feet? Knowing the walls could never withstand The force of the mighty bulldozer. Did he ever give a thought of how…

Midsummer Night’s Dream

Twenty seven children from toddlers up to teenagers made the Cayman Drama Society’s production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream a memorable and spectacular performance at the Prospect Playhouse. Apart from great performances from the actors, the set, lighting and costumes…

iCulture iLifestyle


What a joyous occasion it must have been At the dock in George Town – just imagine the scene. As excited church members stood all around Eagerly awaiting the arrival of Robert C. Young. They had no idea on the…

iLifestyle iStyle

Cowboy hats

American popular culture has created the image of a Stetson as the classic cowboy hat. They are distinguished as having wide brims and high, distinctly-shaped crowns. Straw, fur, and wool felt are the common materials used for making these hats….

iCulture iLifestyle

Be Thankful

Be thankful that you don’t already Have everything you desire, If you did, what would there be to look forward to?   Be thankful when you don’t know something For it gives you the opportunity to learn.   Be thankful…

Editors Choice iDrink iFood iLifestyle

Dishin’ with Dody: May you have a blessed (and sweet!) Thanksgiving

When it comes to Thanksgiving desserts, pumpkin pie is the number one choice.  I love pumpkin, but not a fan of it in pie.  One of my favourite ways of using this harvest time ingredient is turning it into fudge. …

iCulture iLifestyle


I saw a cockroach crossing the road As fast as his scrawny legs could go Without fear of being squashed to death He didn’t even attempt to go slow And it wasn’t an ordinary road he was crossing It was…