More warnings from U.N. of pandemic modern slavery threat
From Freedom United December 6, 2020 News Digest OUR CAMPAIGN ISSUES IN THE NEWS Anti-slavery activistsFreedom United joins Uyghur rights groups & allies in Week Of Action against Zara Freedom United played a key role in organizing a week of…
Automobili Lamborghini partners with Master & Dynamic on new headphones and earphones collection
New York- NY/Sant’Agata Bolognese, November 20, 2020 – Automobili Lamborghini partners with Master & Dynamic, the New York-based premium audio brand, to create a co-branded range of headphones and earphones. The new collection presents MW65 Active Noise-Cancelling Wireless Headphones and MW07 PLUS…
Musical education
By Paul McGowan From PS Audio What happened in our country to music and art? How is it that in the wealthiest country in the world we cannot afford to include music and art education? Our schools continue suffering massive…
Hitting the nail with your head
By Paul McGowan From PS Audio I smiled when reading a recent comment. In reference to my suggestion that cables make a sonic difference the commenter blurted, “when done properly people can’t hear the difference.” Bingo. When we devise a test procedure…
Generation Sport
Partner: Armenian Fund for Sustainable Development (AF4SD) Context Since 2018, Armenia has begun a process of enormous economic and social change, with a particular focus on the education of children and young people. For many years, physical education has been…
From Marketplace Excellence To view video click HERE
A whistleblower, a bestselling author and a glimpse into the future of mobility − Hypermotion 2020
A glimpse into the future of mobility and logistics – free of charge. What’s not to like about Hypermotion 2020? Due to the current Covid-19 situation, the event – taking place on 10th and 11th November – is purely digital. But going virtual hasn’t stopped Messe Frankfurt’s ability…
CUPRA strengthens its digital strategy with the launch of an interactive virtual platform
THE CUPRA E-GARAGE IN CAPE FORMENTOR The brand aims to open the immersive virtual space to all its customers in the future More than 600 CUPRA Masters have already been trained on the platform CUPRA’s digital strategy includes the creation…
Watch the New Episode of ‘Diplomatie Im Dialog − Digital’ − Live From Berlin
Wednesday, October 21st (18:00 CEST/17:00 BST) The subject of the next episode is ‘the potential future enlargement of the EU’. Does more Europe necessarily mean a better Europe? The show is presented in German by YouTuber, Robin Blase and features a very…
World Council announces Virtual Format for 2021 World Credit Union Conference
Event moved online due to COVID-19 health and safety concerns MADISON, Wis.—World Council of Credit Unions’ 2021 World Credit Union Conference (WCUC), originally set to be held in Glasgow, Scotland from 11-14, July, will now be hosted virtually. The online…