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Statement in regards to the UK – Honorable Premier

Statement in regards to the UK – Overseas Territories Relationship Consultation Process by the Honorable Premier presented in the Legislative Assembly on 17 November, 2011   Thank you Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker, over the past couple of weeks there has…

Lighthouse kids make a brighter day

“We are the world, we are the children, we are the ones who make a brighter day, so let’s start giving,” sang a group of students from the Lighthouse School. It was a great way to get the George Town…

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Doppler Moves Ahead

(GIS) — With two contracts now awarded to European companies and a construction tender going out locally, the Cayman Islands’ Doppler weather radar station will truly be an international effort, reflecting the project’s global significance. The contract to manufacture, supply…

Editors Choice iLocal News News

Investigators arrive on the Brac

Two specialist accident investigators have arrived from the UK to look into the plane crash on Cayman Brac. A Columbian and a Mexican died when their Cessna got into difficulties late on Sunday night. Officials from their respective consulates are…

SCHOOLS SHAKE UP: Kids must pass before graduation

A major shake up in the schools system was announced by Minister of Education, the Hon. Rolston Anglin. It will mean an end to the current “diplomas for all” factory which allows all students to graduate regardless of academic ability….

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Cuban migrants found

A boat load of Cuban immigrants has ran aground off Cayman Brac – the second time in a matter weeks. On Saturday, 17 migrants, 16 men and one woman, were picked up in good health and are due to be…

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Police issue scam warning

The RCIPS is warning people to keep an eye on their e-mail accounts and to immediately report any suspicious activity. The latest warning comes after a man reported that his e-mail account had been hacked into and that people had…

NO DRUGS FOUND: Mystery over double fatal plane crash

Police said yesterday they had found no drugs at the site of the Cayman Brac light-plane crash on Sunday night, but were treating the accident as ‘a suspicious incident”. Investigations were continuing as officers trace the next-of-kin of the two…

Editors Choice iLocal News News

London’s calling for Premier Bush

Premier McKeeva Bush returned yesterday evening from weekend financial talks in London, but will leave again on Saturday for next week’s Wednesday and Thursday Overseas Territories conference at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The weekend talks, sought by Mr Bush…

Cayman’s new green team

The Corporate Green Team Network was set up in June 2009 after representatives from the Sustainable Development Unit of the  Department of Environment (DoE) met with accountancy firm, Deloitte, to discuss ways of making Cayman a greener place to life….