Holistic treatment for drug and alcohol addicts
A drug and alcohol intervention is a process of overcoming the barriers, getting across to the addicts and making them realise where they stand and what can be done to come out of the spell of substance addiction. Intervention for…
Having a criminal record: “Once a criminal always a criminal”
If you’ve ever been convicted of a crime, no matter how small, you will carry that stigma with you because of that conviction. Unfortunately, even something as minor as a shoplifting charge or disorderly conduct conviction can make life difficult…
Guilty verdict for teen and the role of fund directors
Things seem to be changing for the better with The Royal Cayman Islands Police Service with another successful prosecution. Hopefully, the tide has turned and the criminals at large will soon be quaking in their boots. Better still they might…
Apologies to Mr. Loxley Banks
In our lead story in Issue 137 headlined “It’s Rubbish Mr. Bush” we unfortunately called the well known Radio Cayman celebrity, Mr. Loxley Banks, as (E)Banks. iNews Cayman apologises to Mr. Banks for this mistake.
Rollover but don’t die
I have written a number of articles on the rollover issue and my opposition to it. I am a paper Caymanian so the Independent Member for North Side, Ezzard Miller, may not be interested in them. My views are totally…
Buying a swimsuit
Do you dread buying a swimsuit? No matter what size you are, you probably panic over picking out a swimsuit worrying it won’t fit your figure well. Of course, every woman wants to accent her best features while minimising her…
Top Tips For Good Nutrition This Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for all of the things To many, good nutrition and thanksgiving dinner seem to cancel each other out. However it should be possible and even easy to make a nutritious meal that is…
Deaf ears
Who are we to dare have an opinion that our elected leaders don’t want to hear let alone act upon? Who are we to dare to put in print repeating the crying voice of the people. How rarely do our…
Cannibalism and human sacrifice: Part 2
Non-consensual consumption of human flesh from a live source For example, when prisoners of war are butchered for the express purpose of being eaten by their victorious enemies. A notorious and rare representative of this category of cannibalism is the…
The government hosted a public meeting last night (8) in the George Town Hall – full report in Thur (10) newspaper. The purpose of the meeting was to begin the process of appointing a district advisory council for the MLA’s…