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Environmental agreement to Latin America and the Caribbean

From Radio Cadena Agramonte Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador highlighted the agreement just signed in Costa Rica for Latin America and the Caribbean in environmental matters. In its digital page and Twitter account, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and…

This one picture sums up climate change’s growing role in coastal flooding

BY ANDREW FREEDMAN Boston is bearing the brunt of its second major nor’easter in two months, and it’s a beast of a storm. The city experienced its third-highest storm tide on record on Friday morning at 14.67 feet. On Friday…

Aston Martin’s luxury EV concept comes with a concierge

By Daniel Cooper From engadget The Lagonda marque has been revived for a new luxury electric vehicle. The art of burning fuel seems like it would be infra dig, or beneath the upper-class folks who regularly tool around in an…

6 Mar Weather in Cayman

6 Mar Tue 2018 Weather in Cayman SYNOPSIS  Fair skies with light to moderate easterly winds and seas are expected across the Cayman Islands for the next 24 hours due to a high pressure system currently over the eastern US….

5 Mar Weather In Cayman

5 Mar Mon 2018 Weather in Cayman SYNOPSIS  Moderate northeasterly winds and seas are expected across the Cayman Islands for the next 24 hours due to a high pressure system currently over the eastern US. Radar images show no showers…

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By Paul McGowan From PS Audio Podcast is a linguistic blend of two words: iPod and broadcast. It was first coined by British technologist Ben Hammersley and it’s since become somewhat of a household name in the same way tissues…

28 Feb Weather In Cayman

28 Feb Wed 2018 Weather In Cayman Synopsis   Moderate easterly winds and seas are expected to continue across the Cayman area for the next 24 hours as a ridge of high pressure lingers over the Northwest Caribbean. Radar images…

Events iBusiness iLocal News iScience iTech iWorld News Manager's Choice News

US: Bipartisan bill calls for study on economic impact of broadband access

By Mallory Locklear From engadget It’s a companion bill to a similar piece of proposed legislation in the Senate. Two Democratic and two Republican Representatives have introduced a bill that, if enacted, would require the Department of Commerce to research…

iBusiness iFinance iLocal News iScience iTech iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Bitcoin miners turn Quebec’s cheap energy into cold cash

By Steve Dent From engadget Bitcoin mining is a weird industry. Vast banks of dedicated computers solve complex equations to generate hashes worth a fraction of a coin, consuming huge amounts of power in the process. For such operations to…

iBusiness iCommunity iLocal News iScience iStrange iTech iTravel iWorld News Manager's Choice News

We went for a ride in a Huawei smartphone-controlled, self-driving Porsche

By Brian Heater From Techcrunch Huawei didn’t have a new phone to show at MWC this year, so it did what any good smartphone maker would: it put the Mate 10 Pro in an autonomous car and drove it directly…