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Scientists identify new organ hiding in the human abdomen

From Irish scientists have identified a new organ hiding in plain sight inside the human body, The Independent reports.. Known as the mesentery, it was previously thought to be just a few fragmented structures in the digestive system. Now, scientists have realized it is…

‘Granny,’ the oldest known orca presumed dead at 105 years old

BY JOHNNY LIEU From Mashable At an estimated age of 105 years old, the orca known to researchers as “Granny” is presumed to be dead. Labelled J2, she was a member of the Puget Sound orcas which are located in…

Gadget of the week

China completes first human trial with CRISPR-edited genes By Timothy J. Seppala from engadget There’s still a ton of research and testing to do before this cancer treatment goes mainstream, though. As predicted, it happened: On October 28th, Chinese oncologists…

Digital fabrication

2016 Best of Digital Fabrication By RAIN NOE From Core77 2016 was a great year for digital fabrication, with machines becoming smaller, cheaper and easier to use; technologies many of us could never dream of affording are starting to come…

Self-driving cars are already deciding who to kill

By Gus Lubin From Business Insider Autonomous vehicles are already making profound choices about whose lives matter, according to experts, so we might want to pay attention. “Every time the car makes a complex maneuver, it is implicitly making trade-off…

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Nikon and Verily team up to fight diabetes-related eye disease

By Mariella Moon From engadget They’ll work together to enhance screening for diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema. Verily, Google’s former Life Sciences division, teamed up with a French pharmaceutical company to help treat diabetes just a few months ago….

More than 3,800 critters treated by Sanibel’s CROW in 2016

By Dr. Heather Barron From As 2016 draws to a close, we count our blessings over the past year and make resolutions for ways to improve in the new year. Part of the Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife’s…

2016 marks the first year in the “Age of the Drone”

BY ALLISON FONDER From Core77 The best and weirdest drone news of the year The introduction of drones into the consumer market really only took place around this time last year, so 2016 could effectively be deemed the first year…

iHealth iLocal News iScience iWorld News Manager's Choice News

The Pros and cons of back surgery

From When you consult any doctor and decide to have a back surgery, probably your doctor will first try to help you with some medication and exercise. Where surgery is a painful procedure and demands a lot of rest,…

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US: Keys doctor still wants to swab noses in GM bug trial

BY KATIE ATKINS From Miami Herald Wherever genetically modified mosquitoes are released in the Florida Keys next year, a Key West doctor will follow — with cotton swabs. Dr. John Norris III in September told the Keynoter he wants consent…