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Court documents reveal Oxitec’s Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes could cause increased numbers of different disease-carrying mosquitoes

WASHINGTON— Genetically engineered (GE) mosquito company Oxitec has admitted a major risk of its technology – reducing one mosquito species may increase the numbers of a second disease-carrying species. The information surfaced today when four environment and food safety groups…

Caribbean News iCommunity iEnvironment iLocal News iScience News Publisher's Choice Weather

Cayman Islands has a very dry 2016 so far

Rainfall data collected at the Owen Roberts International Airport from January through August 2016 confirms a very dry year. Only January 2016 provided rainfall totals greater than the 30 year average with the summer months May-August showing significantly below normal…

iArt iCrime iEntertainment iLocal News iScience iTech iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

11 years ago the new Doctor Who returned

By Chris Taylor From Mashable [Just over eleven years ago], an old TV show returned to the BBC after a 16-year hiatus. Expectations were low. Prior to this day the show seemed, even to many of its fans, like a…

Caribbean News iEnvironment iLocal News iScience iWorld News News Weather

UPDATE: Where Tropical Storm Matthew may go and which Islands it may affect

TROPICAL STORM MATTHEW DISCUSSION NUMBER 1 NWS NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER MIAMI FL AL142016 1100 AM AST WED SEP 28 2016 Surface observations and data from an Air Force Reserve reconnaissance aircraft indicate that the tropical wave passing through the Windward…

Editors Choice iEnvironment iLocal News iScience iWorld News News

NASA observes possible water geysers on Europ

By Andrew Dalton From engadget The observation appears to confirm earlier sightings of water spewing from Jupiter’s moon. Hubble’s extended mission continues to pay off: NASA announced today that a team of astronomers using the space telescope have spotted what…

The Island of Saint Lucia is making a big commitment to solar power

The Government of Saint Lucia has a target of generating 35% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020. This pristine island currently depends on dirty diesel generators for power, but h as ambitious goals to revolutionize its economy with…

Caribbean News iBusiness iEnvironment iFinance iLocal News iScience iTech iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Researchers are building a robotic lionfish exterminator

By Sean Buckley From engadget We joke around a lot about bringing about a horrific robot apocalypse, but let’s get real: sometimes, building a killer robot is just the right thing to do. Well, at least when those robots are being…

Caribbean News iCommunity iEnvironment iLocal News iScience iWorld News News Weather

Weather Underground Update: Potential Trouble in Tropical Atlantic

By: Bob Henson and Jeff Masters From Weather Underground A tropical wave located a few hundred miles south-southwest of the Cabo Verde Islands on Saturday morning was poorly organized, with only a limited amount of heavy thunderstorm activity and spin….

iNews Briefs & Community Events

Cayman Islands Airport Expansion Project Update As work continues on Phase 2 of the Owen Roberts International Airport’s expansion project, the public is being advised that construction fencing will be installed to facilitate the demolition of the large canopy in…

iEnvironment iLocal News iScience iTech iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Mars had liquid water a billion years longer than we even thought possible

By Bec Crew, ScienceAlert From Business Insider New evidence from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has revealed that entire networks of lakes and streams fed by melting snow existed on Mars way later than anyone had thought possible. Based on new…