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Ancient Caribbean Tsunami caused by volcano collapse smaller than thought

By Eurasia Review Tsunamis triggered by the partial collapse of the Caribbean Monserrat volcano, 13,000 years ago, would have been much smaller than previously thought, according to research soon to be published in Geochemistry, Geophysics and Geosystems. The collapse of…

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iNews Briefs

Cayman Islands NRA warns “Keep sidewalks clear and keep our pedestrians safe” Cayman islands National Roads Authority (NRA) officials wish to remind property owners and residents of the hazards of obstructing pedestrian areas, and business owners the dangers of placing…

Caribbean News iCulture iEnvironment iLocal News iScience iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Grazing parrotfish help protect threatened Caribbean coral reefs

By Daniel Kelly From FishSens Magazine Prior to the 1980s, sea urchins were abundant in the Caribbean. They were important to the region’s ecosystem and played a vital role in helping to protect the region’s coral reefs. When their populations…

Caribbean News iCulture iLocal News iScience iTech iWorld News Manager's Choice News

DNA analysis traces African slaves back to their roots

By Michael Casey From CBS NEWS March To better understand the complex history of slavery, it helps to know more about the origins of millions of individuals who were shipped from their homes in Africa to plantations in the Caribbean,…

Caribbean News iArt iCommunity iCulture iEnvironment iLocal News iScience iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Cayman Islands students learning science through the eyes of an artist

On Thursday, February 26th, high school students from Triple C School visited the National Gallery exhibit Art Under the Microscope – Luminescent Forms to learn more about science from an artistic perspective. This was a unique and exciting experience for…

iCommunity iCrime iHealth iLocal News iScience iTech iWorld News Manager's Choice News

$5.7M verdict against pelvic mesh maker in test case

By Amanda Bronstad, From The National Law Journal Johnson & Johnson lost a $5.7 million verdict on Thursday in the first test case over one of its newest pelvic mesh slings, which is among dozens of similar devices named in…

Caribbean News iEnvironment iLocal News iScience News Publisher's Choice

Cayman Islands: Best management practices for water resource protection

From Water Authority-Cayman Septic Tank Systems WHAT IS A SEPTIC TANK SYSTEM? A septic tank system serves as an on- site system to treat and dispose of domestic wastewater. In the Cayman Islands, a septic system is made up of…

iLocal News iScience iTech iTravel iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Solar plane journey’s first leg ends

By Jonathan Amos BBC Science Correspondent From BBC A record-breaking attempt to fly around the world in a solar-powered plane has completed its first leg. The aircraft – called Solar Impulse-2 – took off from Abu Dhabi, heading east to…

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iNews Briefs

Cayman Islands Youth Parliament opens Monday (9) all invited to attend Members of the public are invited to attend Youth Parliament at the Legislative Assembly on Monday, 9 March 2015. It is being held to commemorate Commonwealth Day, which has…

iCommunity iLocal News iScience iStrange iTech iTravel iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Nasa’s Dawn probe achieves orbit around Ceres

By Jonathan Amos BBC Science Correspondent From BBC The Dawn probe will spend just over a year mapping and sensing the dwarf planet The US space agency’s Dawn probe has gone into orbit around Ceres, the largest object in the…