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Airport Carbon Accreditation programme goes global

From Airport World The Airport Carbon Accreditation programme now covers every region of the globe after it was announced at the 23rd ACI Latin America & Caribbean (LAC) Annual Conference and General Assembly in Cancun last week it was to…

Caribbean News iCommunity iEnvironment iHealth iLocal News iScience iTech iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Genetically modified mosquitoes to battle disease-carrying bugs closer to approval

By William Axford From KeysInfoNet Genetically modified mosquitoes created to decrease the number of disease-carrying mosquitoes in the Lower Keys could be released by the spring, officials say. Scientists from Oxitec, a British company that has released genetically modified mosquitoes…

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Incredible comet mission

Incredible comet mission finds compounds that could be the basis of life on Earth By Victoria Bryan, Reuters From Business Insider Astronomers Caught This Amazing Stellar Pulse With The Hubble Telescope BERLIN (Reuters) – European comet lander Philae ‘sniffed’ carbon-based,…

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Iguanas need our help in many locales [including Cayman Islands]

Keith Winsten From Florida Today How much can you learn from a lizard? A lot, it turns out. Next year the International Iguana Foundation (IIF) turns 20 — and I’ve been associated with the group for the last seven years….

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iNews Briefs

Government companies to be scrutinized closely by Cayman Island government Speaking at a press briefing, last week, Cayman Islands Premier, Alden McLaughlin, said government was bringing in a new law in the New Year that will change the rules regarding…

iCommunity iHealth iLocal News iScience iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

The next step of the HIV/AIDS strategy

Posted by Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Valerie Jarrett From Office of National AIDS Policy US Government Three years ago, President Obama announced an historic comprehensive plan to help turn the tide on HIV/AIDS in the United States: the National HIV/AIDS…

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iNews Briefs

Jamaican student killed, two others injured, during armed robbery rampage From Caribbean360 KINGSTON, Jamaica, Thursday November 13, 2014 – A student was killed and two others injured following an attack by armed men in the southern parish of St. Elizabeth…

iEnvironment iLocal News iScience iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Where does beach sand come from?

By Adam Hadhazy, Livescience From Business Insider Summer wouldn’t be complete without a trip to the sandy shores of an ocean, bay, lake or river. As the gritty stuff gets in between your toes, you may wonder why beaches are…

iEntertainment iHealth iLocal News iScience iTech iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Scientists are studying the biological basis of fear in the hopes of curing it

From Chris Bell, The Telegraph From Business Insider From theme park rides to horror films, science has long known how to toy with our most primal instinct. But can fear be ‘cured’, too? And to what end? You’re swimming a…

iLocal News iScience iWorld News News

Rosetta: Waiting game after comet lander glitch

From BBC A European robot probe has made the first, historic landing on a comet, but its status remains uncertain after harpoons failed to anchor it to the surface. Officials said the craft may have lifted off the comet after…