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Rosetta mission: Can you land on a comet?

From BBC The final countdown for the European Space Agency’s ambitious mission to land on a comet in deep space has begun. Can you put the Philae lander in the right spot on a spinning comet in this interactive game?…

Caribbean News iBusiness iCommunity iEnvironment iFinance iLocal News iScience iWorld News Manager's Choice News

It’s time for solar in the Caribbean

By Edouard MacGuffie Op-Ed Contributor From Caribbean Journal The Caribbean is well known for many superlatives – most pristine beaches, most crystal-clear water and most welcoming hospitality. What is less known is that the Caribbean is one of the world’s…

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‘Bombogenesis’ replaces ‘Polar Vortex’ as global warming excuse for extreme cold

By P.J. Gladnick From Newsbusters Forget about polar vortex as an excuse for how global warming is causing extreme cold weather. A brave new word seems to have replaced it: “bombogenesis.” The most enthusiastic promoter of bombogenesis in the mainstream…

Caribbean News front pg story iBusiness iFinance iLocal News iScience iTech iWorld News News

Cable & Wireless shares plunge following announcement it will buy Columbus

From Caribbean360 LONDON, United Kingdom, Thursday November 6, 2014, CMC – Telecommunications giant Cable & Wireless Communications (CWC) fell by 8 per cent after issuing shares to pay for a US$1.85 billion Caribbean deal. The company is buying privately owned…

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HP’s 3D printing invasion strategy: 7 things to know

By Lyndsey Gilpin From TechRepublic HP announced this week it will release its 3D printer in late 2016, but an innovative new PC and 3D scanner next month. Here are 7 things to know about its strategy. In a long-anticipated…

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Caribbean leaders agree on 10-point plan to tackle Ebola and Chikunguyna

From Caribbean360 PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad, Tuesday November 4, 2014, CMC – Caribbean Community (CARICOM) leaders have ended a three-hour special summit here on Tuesday agreeing to a 10-point plan to deal with the outbreak of the Chikunguyna virus and any possible…

iBusiness iFinance iLocal News iScience iTech iWorld News Manager's Choice News

The flushing toilet is symbolic of one of the biggest investing opportunities of this generation

By Akin Oyedele From Business Insider Investors should consider multinational companies that are exposed to the booming middle class in emerging markets. US Trust’s Joseph Quinlan wrote in a note to clients that it is “time to buy” into global…

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iNews Briefs

Recall of Deep Raw Cashew Pieces in Cayman Islands From Cayman Islands Department of Environmental Health The Department of Environmental Health (DEH) is advising the public that an alert has been issued by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)…

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High-tech, high yields: Caribbean farmers reap benefits of ICT

By Jewel Fraser From IPS PARAMARIBO, Suriname, Oct 15 2014 (IPS) – Farmers in the Caribbean are being encouraged to make more use of farm apps and other forms of ICT in an effort to increase the knowledge available for…

iEntertainment iFood iLocal News iScience iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Is it truly impossible to break an egg in your hand?

Putting tips to the test in the kitchen – From the kichn When I first heard that it was impossible to break an upright egg in your hand, my boyfriend and I stood over our kitchen sink and tried for…