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iNews Briefs

Cayman Islands Grace Gealey to star on FOX’s “Empire” Grace Gealey, originally from the Cayman Islands, will be starring on FOX’s Empire, which premieres in January 2015. Grace Gealey stars as Anika Gibbons in the anticipated FOX series EMPIRE co-created…

iCommunity iHealth iLocal News iScience iTech iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

An app that lets you converse with the deaf, no sign language necessary

By Sarah Buhr From Techcrunch Transcense is a new app that accurately translates conversations in real time so the deaf and hard of hearing can participate in meetings, presentations and conversations. Founders Thibault Duchemin, Pieter Doevendans and Skinner Cheng say…

iEnvironment iLocal News iScience iWorld News News

Watch a mountain-sized comet zip by Mars during a once-in-a-million-years event Sunday (19)

By Jessica Orwig from Business Insider Mountain-sized comet Siding Spring has spent its entire life in the outer reaches of our solar system, but on Sunday Oct. 19 it will enter the inner solar system for the first time, heading…

Caribbean News front pg story iCommunity iCulture iEnvironment iHealth iLocal News iScience iWorld News News

Conservation problems associated with sea turtle farming in Cayman Islands

Journal article details welfare and conservation problems associated with sea turtle farming The following is a press release on a new article published this week in the Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, co-authored by Dr. Neil D’Cruze, Head of…

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Statement on Statistics Week 2014 (October 13-17) From Cayman Islands minister

By Hon. Marco Archer, JP, Minister for Finance and Economic Development This week (October 13-17, 2014) is Statistics Week in the Cayman Islands. This is being held in collaboration with the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) which is celebrating the region-wide Statistics…

iBusiness iCommunity iFinance iLocal News iScience iTech iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

No risk, no reward: The power of risk taking for your career

By Jo Miller From Mashable “If you’re not taking risks in your career,” says Valerie Oswalt, vice president of sales, west area for Mondelēz International, “you might actually be creating more risk for yourself.” For Oswalt, the chance to make…

Caribbean News iEnvironment iFood iLocal News iScience iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Ocean acidification poses a latent danger to fishing nations

By Analia Murias From Fish Information & Services A group of 30 scientists meeting in South Korea warned fishing countries, and especially those in the Caribbean, of the increasing ocean acidification. Because to the Caribbean nations fishing is an important…

iCommunity iHealth iLocal News iScience iTech iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Why isn’t Silicon Valley doing more to fight Ebola?

From The Daily Beast Witnessing arguably the worst public health crisis of the 21st century, the industry that claims to be changing the world is nowhere to be found. Where have all the tech titans gone? The executives of Silicon…

iCommunity iFaith iFood iLocal News iScience iTech iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Research explains why you think you see Jesus in a grilled cheese sandwich

By Stephanie Pappas, Senior Writer for LiveScience From Mashable The man in the moon. Jesus in toast. The Virgin Mary in a grilled cheese sandwich. Faces are everywhere — even when they’re not, strictly speaking, supposed to be. Now, new…

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creepy, freaky creatures

Ghoulish photos: creepy, freaky creatures that are (mostly) harmless By Matt Shipman, Live Science From snaggletoothed sharks to giant crabs, nature is full of animals that frighten people — often for no good reason. Here’s a collection of critters that…