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3D printed organs/Awesome apps

Scientists have figured out how to create blood vessels in 3D printed organs By Nicole Lee From engadget While 3D-printed organs sound like a great idea — imagine no longer waiting around for a transplant — a major hurdle for…

Caribbean News iEnvironment iJamaica iLocal News iScience iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Mysterious meteorite/Things that delight

‘Mysterious’ meteorite may shed light on explosion of life on Earth From RT Researchers have discovered a fossilized space rock that stands out against anything seen before. It may advance the understanding of the asteroid clash that triggered off the…

iEnvironment iLocal News iScience iWorld News News

Cold, dead star crystallized into Earth-sized diamond

By Megan Gannon, News Editor for Astronomers aren’t being poetic when they say this star is a diamond. Scientists have identified what is possibly the coldest white dwarf ever detected. In fact, this dim stellar corpse is so cold…

Caribbean News front pg story iEnvironment iLocal News iScience iWorld News News

From despair to repair: Dramatic decline of Caribbean corals can be reversed

Gland, Switzerland, 02 July 2014 (IUCN) – With only about one-sixth of the original coral cover left, most Caribbean coral reefs may disappear in the next 20 years, primarily due to the loss of grazers in the region, according to…

Caribbean News iEnvironment iLocal News iScience iWorld News Manager's Choice News

NZ scientist lands trip to Branson’s island

By Vaimoana Tapaleao From New Zealand Herald Michelle Dickinson has been on Necker Island in the Caribbean with billionaire Sir Richard Branson. A young Kiwi scientist has spent the past few days playing chess with Richard Branson on his private…

iHealth iLocal News iScience iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

UK facing ‘major’ sperm shortage

By James Gallagher Health editor, BBC News online The UK is facing a major sperm shortage that may be tempting fertility clinics to accept poorer quality sperm, the British Fertility Society (BFS) warns. Some clinics rely on imported sperm to…

iLocal News iScience iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Scientists create Element 117, which Is 40% heavier than lead

By Lance Ulanoff From Mashable Element 117, a super-heavy atom with a long half-life is, according to an international team of scientists, real and ready to take its place on the Periodic Table. Scientists actually confirmed the existence and lifetime…

iLocal News iScience iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Distant galaxy has 3 supermassive black holes at its centre

By Charles Q. Choi, Space.Com Contributor for From Mashable Scientists have just discovered a distant galaxy with not one but three supermassive black holes at its core. The new finding suggests that tight-knit groups of these giant black holes…

iLocal News iScience iTravel iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

NASA successfully tests ‘flying saucer’ vehicle

By Traci Watson, Special for USA TODAY EARLIER: NASA TO TEST FLYING-SAUCER-LIKE DEVICE FOR MARS LANDINGS NASA plans to launch a flying-saucer-shaped vehicle to test technology for landing heavy loads – and one day even people – on Mars. The…

iBusiness iLocal News iScience iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

China has the fastest supercomputer in the world — again

By Lance Ulanoff From Mashable Zipping along at 33.86 petaflops (quadrillions of calculations per second), China’s Tianhe-2 is the world’s fastest computer for the third year in a row, according to Top500, a twice yearly compilation of the fastest computers…