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iEnvironment iHealth iLocal News iScience iStrange iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Salamanders hold clues to how humans could regrow limbs

By Max Yun, Research Fellow at University College London for The Conversation UK From Mashable Humans have some regenerative abilities but compared to creatures like the salamander, which has an amazing ability to regenerate after injury, we’re pretty limited. Not…

iLocal News iScience iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Drone Beat: 418 crashes worldwide, spying on a World Cup Team and more

By Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai From Mashable The U.S. government uses them to bomb alleged terrorists in far-away places, tech companies like Amazon, Google and Facebook are all toying with the idea of using them commercially and, in recent months, they’ve become…

iFood iLocal News iScience iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Genetically engineered ‘super bananas’ begin human trials

By Alex Magdalen From Mashable If bananas weren’t a super food before, these “super bananas” make a case for the fruit’s place among the nutritious elite. Bananas genetically engineered to improve the nutrient-deficient lives of millions in Africa will soon…

Caribbean News iEnvironment iLocal News iScience iTravel iWorld News Manager's Choice News

A massive great white shark just cruised into the Gulf of Mexico

From Caribbean360 FLORIDA, United States, Thursday June 19, 2014 – Katharine, a 14-foot-long, 2,300-pound great white shark is making her way steadily towards the Texas coast. The largest ever recorded great white was 21 feet long. Katharine, the great white…

Caribbean News iLocal News iScience iWorld News Manager's Choice News Sports World

Players with Caribbean roots at 2014 Football World Cup in Brazil

By Peter Jordens From Repeating Islands Natalie Weiner of LargeUp states that “while no Caribbean teams made it to football’s most important match this year, there are still plenty of representatives of the islands out on the field.” She has…

iLocal News iScience iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Last Friday was the 13th and a FULL MOON. That won’t happen again till 2049

By Colin Daileda From Mashable If you see a dude in an old-school hockey mask chasing a werewolf (or vice versa) on Friday, here’s why: Friday the 13th coincides with a full moon. Hide your kids. That said, only those…

iLocal News iScience iWorld News News

LIVE EXPLOSION: A mountain top is about to get blown off to make way for a giant telescope

By Leslie Baehr From Business Insider PHOTO: Artist’s rendering of the future telescope which will be the ‘largest eye on the sky.’ On Thursday at 12:30 p.m. ET, the top of Cerro Armazones, a 10,000-foot mountain in northern Chile’s Atacama…

Caribbean News iEnvironment iLocal News iScience iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Bacterial suspects identified in Caribbean coral deaths

By Michael Marshall from New Scientist Three bacteria seem to be responsible for a disease that has killed most of the Caribbean’s reef-building corals. White band disease causes the outer layer of corals to turn white and peel off. First…

iCulture iLocal News iOpinion iScience iStrange iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Britain’s ‘subculture’ of 15,000 vampires

By Keith Perry From The Telegraph Dr Emyr Williams, a psychology lecturer at Glyndwr University in Wrexham, said real vampires are a “global phenomenon” A psychology lecturer at a British university claims the UK has a population of some 15,000…

NASA captures crazy images of forest fire from space

Nasa Earth Observatory From Business Insider NASA Earth Observatory Spring came early to southern Alaska in 2014, bringing warm and dry weather. By the end of May, vegetation was already primed to burn. So when a fire broke out on…