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Scientists scan a woman’s brain during an out-of-body experience

By Jennifer Welsh Scientists scanned a woman’s brain during an out-of-body experience — and what they found was amazing It may sound like a plot from “The Twilight Zone,” but a psychology graduate student at the University of Ottawa says…

Caribbean News iEnvironment iLocal News iScience iWorld News News

Sea levels in Caribbean rising and predicted to rise more

Modelling Present-Day and Future Caribbean Sea Level Changes By H.A. Dijkstra, IMAU, Utrecht University, The Netherlands The Caribbean  Sea is connected  to the North  Atlantic  Ocean  and exchange  transport values (in Sv, 1 Sv = 106 m3/s) are fairly well…

iEnvironment iLocal News iScience iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Makos: Tracking one of the fastest sharks in the world

By Dr. Mahmood Shivji and Daryl Carson, From Guy Harvey website The following article originally appeared in the Spring 2013 issue of Guy Harvey Magazine. For any angler who has tangled with a shortfin mako, they know the power of…

iEnvironment iLocal News iScience iWorld News Manager's Choice News

It’s snack time in the Cosmos

By Ron Cowen From New York Times Falling Into a Black Hole A gas cloud named G2 is about to collide with Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy. A simulation shows how the cloud…

iEnvironment iLocal News iScience iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Scientists discover new whale species

By Jeremy Hance, Researchers have described a new beaked whale species. The beaked whale family, so-called for their dolphin-like beaks, are among the world’s least known mammals. Beaked whales are incredibly elusive and rare, little-known to scientists and the…

Caribbean News iEnvironment iLocal News iScience iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Whale Tails: How Caribbean sailors can help whale research

By Nathalie Ward From sail-world Sailors for the Sea, a David Rockefeller project, whose mission it is to ‘educate and engage the boating community in the worldwide protection of the oceans’, occasionally publishes essays about the state of our oceans,…

iLocal News iScience iWorld News News top news

Incredible new pictures of lakes on Saturn’s Moon Titan

By KELLY DICKERSON  From Business Insider NASA Saturn’s moon Titan. You can see one of its hyrdrocarbon lakes in the dark area near the top of the image. The Cassini spacecraft has revealed incredible images of lakes and seas made…

iLocal News iScience iWorld News Manager's Choice News

LEGO League blasts through UNF

By Laura Caso, First Coast News JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Students from Florida, Georgia and the Cayman Islands put their science, engineering and computer programming skills to the test, Sunday. More than 250 students and adults, packed the University of North…

iBusiness iEntertainment iLocal News iScience iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

10 ways alternative energy is about to change the way tech gets powered

By Lyndsey Gilpin From Tech Republic Solar-powered laptops, edible battery power, spray-on solar panels, mini windmills: This may be a game-changing year for clean technology. Apple was just awarded a patent for a possible solar-powered MacBook display. Image: Apple/USPTO Instead…

iLocal News iScience iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Tesla’s toy boat: A drone before its time

By Jon Turi From engadget Welcome to Time Machines, where we offer up a selection of mechanical oddities, milestone gadgets and unique inventions to test out your tech-history skills. The military complex has certainly embraced the concept of telerobotics, especially…