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Antimatter gun

By Timothy J. Seppala from engadget University of Michigan activates antimatter ‘gun,’ cartoon supervillians twirl moustaches anew At the University of Michigan, an international team of physicists has begun experimenting with its tabletop-sized super laser, modding it into an antimatter…

‘Human Wall’ leads baby turtles to the ocean

By Geetika Rudra From ABC News Turtles on the Dutch-controlled island of Bonair needed a little help. Every year hundreds of baby loggerhead turtles hatch on the beaches of the Caribbean and journey towards the ocean. “This group of baby…

8 new species discovered in the last month

by Mindy Townsend, Care2 Do you know what’s so great about the Earth? You know, other than the fact that we can live here and breathe the air and stuff. It’s so great because it’s so alive. There’s so much…

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New species of cactus found

Cayman Islands National Trust News also includes their Summer Camp and Mastic Reserve expansion New cactus record for Cayman By Paul Watler, Environmental Programmes Manager, Cayman Islands National Trust Amateur botanists and cactus enthusiasts will be pleased to learn that…

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125 million-year-old sneaky flea dined on flying reptiles

By Tia Ghose, LiveScience, Fox News A 125-million-year-old fossil flea has been unearthed in China. The ancient parasite, described on Thursday in the journal Current Biology, had a mouth and body smaller than older fleas, but larger than modern-day pests….

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Oppose new dolphin swim facilities in The Bahamas

signatures: 52,552 signature goal: 100,000 Target: Minister of Agriculture and Marine Resources Alfred Gray Sponsored by: Sam Duncombe, Sonya Alvino – reEarth We want to put an end to the exploitation of this species. Our objection is based upon the…

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FAO trains Caribbean people to deal with banana disease

Technicians from different Caribbean Nations will receive training in a workshop that experts from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will be developing here from the 17 to the 22 of June to deal with the black sigakota that threatens…

iEnvironment iLocal News iScience iWorld News News

Mysterious stone monument lurks beneath the waves of the Sea of Galilee

By April Flowers for – Your Universe Online A number of significant archaeological sites are found along the shores of the Sea of Galilee, located in the North of Israel. While conducting a geophysical survey, a team of researchers…

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‘Tailing’ spiny lobster larvae to protect them

New tools track planktonic larvae, offer possible solutions to safeguard this $1 billion industry MIAMI –The commercial value of spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) in the Caribbean reaches $1 billion annually, thus making it one of the most valuable fisheries in…

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US researchers explore deep Caribbean reefs

By DANICA COTO  From Bradenton Herald SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO — Scientists with the Smithsonian Institution have discovered at least one new fish species at a deep reef off Curacao while conducting a yearlong project to gather data on temperature…