
iLocal News Archives


3D-Printed Splint Helps Baby Breathe Again

From Mashable When a baby was afflicted with a condition that blocked his ability to breathe, professors at the University of Michigan developed a 3D-printed splint that saved the child’s life. Baby Kaiba Gionfriddo was only six weeks old when…

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96 per cent success in wiping out dengue mosquitos in research trial

From Radio Australia A British research company has reported remarkable results in controlling the mosquito that causes dengue fever. At a trial in Brazil the company released sterile Aedes aegypti mosquitos resulting in a 96 per cent reduction of the…

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Embryonic stem cells: Advance in medical human cloning

By James Gallagher, Health and science reporter, BBC News Human cloning has been used to produce early embryos, marking a “significant step” for medicine, say US scientists. The cloned embryos were used as a source of stem cells, which can…

St Matthew’s University, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands

Providing quality education focused on the success of their students is the foundation of St. Matthew’s University (SMU). Their faculty and staff are as committed to your dreams as you are, and their small class sizes mean you receive personalized…

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Del Monte secures USDA approval for GM pineapple

Del Monte Fresh Produce has won approval from the USDA to ship genetically engineered pineapple into the US. The Del Monte Fresh Produce Co., based in the Cayman Islands, has developed a transgenic pineapple that has tissue of a “novel…

‘Cannibal’ shark eats its siblings in the womb

By Robert Ferris, Business insider Most humans are pretty scared of sharks, but for the sand tiger shark, its own brothers and sisters are the ones who have the most to fear. In one of nature’s most extreme cases of…