
iLocal News Archives


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Wearable technology: The bra designed to shock attackers

By Fiona Graham, Technology of business reporter, BBC News “The Delhi gang rape was the trigger. But also the numbness of women – and law-makers against this social menace. It was high time we women needed a change.” Manisha Mohan…

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Can You Really Patent A Gene?

The Financialist The question of whether genetic material can or should be patented by pharmaceutical companies is being tested in courts both in the U.S. and overseas. On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court heard an appeal by the American Civil…

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Team reconstructs ‘human ancestor’

BBC The most complete view yet of a possible human ancestor uncovered in South Africa has revealed an intriguing mix of human and ape traits. The two-million-year-old remains of several partial skeletons belonging to a previously unknown humanlike species were…

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Spaying and neutering facts [and don’t forget the Pub Quiz]:

From the Cayman Islands Humane Society Neutering males is as important as spaying females. One male can father many more puppies or kittens than any female can give birth to over a lifetime. Neutering reduces the risks involved with “roaming”,…

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Camana Bay April 2013 Events

Camana Bay, Grand Cayman (Monday 25 March 2013): From a challenging three-mile race ending with a sprint finish up and down The Observation Tower and a silent walk through the Town Centre in honour of a worthy cause to the…

iHealth iLifestyle iLocal News iScience iWorld News News

Tiny Implant Chip Could Detect Heart Attacks Before They Happen

Vignesh Ramachandran, Mashable Swiss researchers say they’ve come up with a tiny implant that can analyze blood from within our bodies and send test results directly to a doctor. The device would be implanted just below the skin and can…

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Voyager Solar System ‘exit’ debated

Jonathan Amos By Jonathan Amos Science correspondent, BBC News The possibility that the Voyager-1 spacecraft may have left the Solar System is being hotly debated. Launched in September 1977, the probe was sent initially to study the outer planets, but…