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iScience iWorld News News

It’s alive! Space station’s humanoid robot awake

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — NASA’s humanoid robot has finally awakened in space. Ground controllers turned Robonaut on Monday for the first time since it was delivered to the International Space Station in February. The test involved sending power to…

iLifestyle iScience iTech

Fiber Optics

Fibre optics has been fabricated from materials that transmit light and are made from a bundle of very thin glass or plastic fibres enclosed in a tube. One end is at a source of light and the other end is…

Top marketing statistics you can’t miss in 2021

FROM Code Fuel An effective marketing strategy is based on data. That’s why it is critical for marketers to stay up to date with the latest statistics, trends, and developments in the industry. Having access to the right data about…