
iLocal News iScience iWorld News News

Dark energy camera snaps first images ahead of survey

The highest-resolution camera ever built has begun its quest to pin down the mysterious stuff that makes up nearly three-quarters of our Universe. The Dark Energy Survey’s 570-million-pixel camera will scan some 300 million galaxies in the coming five years….

iBusiness iLocal News iScience iWorld News News

Cayman Enterprise City CEO Talks Life Sciences in Special Economic Zone

Cayman Enterprise City, a knowledge based Special Economic zone in the Cayman Islands is serious about Biotechnology. Over the next two years they will be building a dedicated campus for the knowledge cluster, including a specialised campus for Biotech. The…

iCommunity iEnvironment iLocal News iScience iWorld News News

The Cayman Parrot could be extinct within 40 years says expert

International experts say the Cayman parrot could be extinct within 40 years if action is not taken to preserve the habitat the parrots need. At a press conference at the Department of Environment Wednesday, experts weighed in on the threats…

iBusiness iCommunity iEnvironment iLocal News iScience iWorld News News

How to make your own solar cell

By Charlie Burton While working at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, engineer Blake Farrow showed you don’t need the far corners of the periodic table to put together a solar cell. Just grab some tea-time staples. 1. Treat yourself…

iHealth iLifestyle iLocal News iScience iWorld News News

Kittitian honoured in Cayman Islands for his work in health research

Dr Samuel Rawlins of St Kitts/Nevis was on 20th April awarded the Caribbean Health Research Council (CHRC) Honours Award at the recently concluded annual meeting held this year at George Town, Grand Cayman. The annual event of the Council and…

iCommunity iLocal News iScience iWorld News News

Curiosity rover’s intriguing geological find

The Mars rover Curiosity is indulging in a flurry of multimedia activity ahead of its science mission proper. It sent the first image from its 100mm telephoto lens, already spotting an intriguing geological “unconformity”. Nasa also released a colour panorama…

iCommunity iEnvironment iHealth iLifestyle iLocal News iScience iWorld News News

Releasing millions of GM mosquitoes – into the unknown. No risk assessments published in Cayman Islands

by Helen Wallace Millions of GM mosquitoes are being released into countries including Brazil in an attempt to tackle dengue fever, but one campaigner questions whether the experiments are driven by public health concerns or profit British biotech company Oxitec…

iCommunity iEnvironment iLocal News iScience iWorld News News

Blue iguanas losing the blues and dancing back on Grand Cayman

In another excellent article by David McFadden and appearing all over the Internet web sites, he writes about the come back of Cayman’s “blazing” blue iguanas that has inspired the locals. He writes: QUEEN ELIZABETH II BOTANIC PARK, Cayman Islands —…

iEnvironment iLocal News iScience iWorld News News

Nasa Mars Curiosity rover ships back detailed crater images

NASA’s Curiosity rover has shipped back to Earth high-resolution color images of its surroundings on Mars, sharpening our views of an intriguing channel, layered buttes and a layer of cobbles and pebbles embedded in a finer matrix of material. The…

iCommunity iEnvironment iLocal News iScience iWorld News News

NASA mission gives a peek of rover’s Mars journey

PASADENA, Calif. (AP) — NASA’s latest adventure to Mars has given the world more than just glimpses of a new alien landscape. It opened a window into the trip itself, from video footage of the landing to a photo of…