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Synthetic biology is not just good, it’s good for you

By Emily Leproust from Tech Crunch Emily Leproust is CEO of Twist Bioscience. Synthetic biology (synbio for short) is a term that circulates freely through the tech world, but what exactly does it mean? It inspires both excitement and concern,…

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Gadget of the week

Andreas with Haptics Title Andreas with Haptics Released 26/06/2015 3:29 pm Copyright ESA–J. Harrod CC BY SA IGO 3.0 Description ESTEC in the Netherlands Andreas will use a joystick on the Station that is a twin of one on Earth…

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Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines: detecting threats on the ocean with DNS data

By Margi Murphy From Security Asia Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines used Splunk Cloud to spot security threats across its floating IT estate. The cruise company, which is the second largest in the world, manages threats on its complex ship network…

iBusiness iCrime iLocal News iTech iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Judge overturns NYC’s ban on foam containers

By Joel Stashenko, From New York Law Journal New York City’s ban on soft foam coffee cups, plates, egg cartons and other food containers has been struck down by a state judge, who ruled that its adoption was based on…

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Ericsson and LG Uplus to partner on 5G and IoT

Ericsson and LG Uplus to collaborate on the development of 5G and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies Cooperation covers IoT infrastructure, SDN and NFV, content delivery networks and IoT-Advanced Companies aim to take the lead in global development of 5G…

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The Science of hair

From Mashable How ghd’s innovative R&D department is setting the bar for hair styling tech You probably weren’t expecting your hair styler to have three sensors that monitor temperature, and a specially-designed handle that ensures you don’t damage your hair…

iBusiness iCrime iFinance iLocal News iTech iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Who reps America’s biggest companies: You want me to pay for what?

By Anthony Paonita, From Corporate Counsel GCs can see exactly what they’re paying for. That’s not always a good thing. Betsy McCoy knew something was wrong. The general counsel received 130 “nicely packaged” bills from one of her regular outside…

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Welcome to DSEI, the biggest military show in the world

By From BGR From tanks, helicopters, special forces All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) and fast-attack craft through to the most advanced weaponry in the world and much, much more – the Defence and Security Equipment International Show (DSEI) is the place…

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Kagan reveals ‘Killer Instinct’ in violent video game case

By Marcia Coyle, From The National Law Journal Justice Elena Kagan recently revealed some “killer instincts” in a conversation at Harvard Law School that touched on the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2011 decision about violent video games. In preparation for Brown…

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Florida family seeks ultimate Spanish bounty

By Diego Urdaneta, AFP From Business Insider Fort Pierce (United States) (AFP) – The Jolly Roger flying from the bow of the Schmitt family ship is a telling sign of what these modern buccaneers are after: Spanish gold. Instead of…