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Internet in space is ‘worse than what dial-up was like’

By Adrienne Lafrance for The Atlantic from Mashable Outer space has its perks — but super-speedy Internet is, so far, not one of them. Connection speeds from the International Space Station are “worse than what dial-up was like,” the astronaut…

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Beijing calls reports China involved in US hack ‘irresponsible’

AFP From Business Insider The US government on Thursday said that hackers accessed the personal data of at least four million current and former federal employees© AFP/File Thomas SamsonThe US government on Thursday said that hackers accessed the personal data…

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Most people don’t understand just how little we know about the human brain

By Kevin Loria From Business Insider The most promising futuristic medical innovation is already making a huge difference for some patients We can already send thoughts from one brain to another — and that might eventually let us download skills…

iBusiness iCommunity iCrime iLocal News iTech iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Website not required to ID anonymous commenter

By Michael Booth, From New Jersey Law Journal Website operators have standing to step into litigation and defend anonymous users’ First Amendment rights, a New Jersey appeals court said in a ruling of first impression issued June 3. The ruling…

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Thieves get early access to Colombia’s offshore oil data

By Andrew Willis Untapped offshore deposits are so important to Colombia’s flagging oil industry that some people aren’t waiting for the release of exploration results. Thieves made off with discs containing copies of seismic data belonging to Repsol SA and…

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Widerun turns your bike into a virtual reality machine

By Mariella Moon From engadget Some people need extra motivation to exercise, and the creators of this bike trainer called Widerun hope to provide that in the form of virtual reality. Widerun is a system comprised of a steering component…

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PURE Hospitality Solutions Releases Oveedia Site Snapshots

Central American-Caribbean OTA Nears Product Launch LAS VEGAS, June 15, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — Pure Hospitality Solutions, Inc., (OTC: PNOW), announced today, that with the Central American-Caribbean online travel hub (Oveedia) nearing its launch, the Company has released Oveedia’s site design…

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Cayman Islands campaigner starts petition for “Decent Internet”

Cayman Islands premier campaigner Sandra Catron has started an online petition for a decent Internet in the Islands. Speaking to iNews Cayman Catron said: “In our business we have had the need to go into a lot of homes over…

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Launch of new Caribbean dating website

Island XoXo, a new and exciting Caribbean dating website was launched on June 8th, 2015. The site can be accessed at Caribbean nationals who register on or before July 7th, 2015 will receive free unlimited access for a year….

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The Editor speaks: Destruction, disruption, & dat noise

It was with some gloom I read the nearly 500 pages of the Proposed Cruise Berthing Facility – EIA Consultation June 2015 Report executed by The CIG appointed consultancy team – W.F. Baird & Associates Coastal Engineers Ltd., Smith Warner…