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Programmer facing paralysis codes new voice

By Stephen Beckett From BBC Locked-in syndrome is a devastating condition in which a person can lose control over nearly all of their body, while their mental abilities are unaffected. One programmer, faced with this prospect, is using his skills…

iBusiness iLocal News iTech iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

20 Years ago, Apple and Kodak launched the digital camera revolution

By Stewart Wolpin From Mashable Back in Apple’s dark ages — during Steve Jobs’ interregnum in the mid-1990s — the company experimented with some strange products. Everyone remembers the ill-fated Newton PDA, for instance, which was considered ahead of its…

Caribbean News Editors Choice iBusiness iFinance iLocal News iTech iWorld News News

FATCA is here but are systems fit for purpose?

The introduction of additional layers of complex regulation has led to financial institutions deploying a variety of systems to deal with new processes and procedures in order to remain compliant. In the article below, Chris Eaton of Blue Bison Software…

Editors Choice iLocal News iTech iWoman iWorld News News

The state of women in technology: 15 data points you should know

By Lyndsey Gilpin From Tech Republic There’s a massive gender gap in the technology industry, and it’s important to be aware of the facts. Here are 15 key statistics on the state of women in tech. By 2020, there will…

iLocal News iTech iWorld News Manager's Choice News

The most annoying problem in computing is still unsolved

By Kevin RooseFollow From New York Mag When I travel these days, I tend to look like a walking Radio Shack – cords bursting out of my pockets, bag overflowing with chargers and accessories. Partly, this is my own fault…

Editors Choice iBusiness iLocal News iTech iWorld News News

Samsung forecasts 25% drop in profit

From BBC Samsung Electronics has forecast a 25% drop in profit for the second quarter due to a slowdown in the smartphone market and a strong Korean currency. It expects to make an operating profit of 7.2 trillion won ($7.1bn;…

Caribbean News iCommunity iEnvironment iLocal News iTech iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Cayman Islands technology/Caribbean leaders on risk reduction

Cayman Islands: Technology: A key business driver Article by Richard Munday Published by Cayman Finance Cayman’s mature information and communications technology infrastructure has been an important draw for businesses to domicile in this jurisdiction, as highly prized as its high…

Caribbean News iBusiness iLocal News iScience iTech iWorld News Manager's Choice News

3D printed organs/Awesome apps

Scientists have figured out how to create blood vessels in 3D printed organs By Nicole Lee From engadget While 3D-printed organs sound like a great idea — imagine no longer waiting around for a transplant — a major hurdle for…

iBusiness iLocal News iTech iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Harley-Davidson debuts electric motorcycle

By The Associated Press From Mashable MILWAUKEE — Harley-Davidson will unveil its first electric motorcycle next week, and President Matt Levatich said he expects the company known for its big touring bikes and iconic brand to become a leader in…

iBusiness iLocal News iTech iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

These expensive pants will wirelessly charge your smartphone

By Chris Smith From BGR With the increasing number of mobile devices that can be wirelessly charged, it’s no surprise that more companies are thinking about how they can incorporate this technology in their products. Starbucks has recently announced that…