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Amazing how much tech business gets done in the Caymans

By Brid-Aine Parnell, From The Register You thought only Google dodges UK taxes? So do all the Brit firms Big British-based tech firms like Autonomy and BSkyB have subsidiaries in onshore and offshore tax havens, and avoid paying taxes in…

iBusiness iLocal News iTech iWorld News News

Competency and readiness in Trinidad and Tobago

by  Theo Chambers Information communication technology (ICT) competency and readiness in Trinidad and Tobago is no longer a far-reaching goal, but rather the natural next step in its development journey. As highlighted by the World Economic Forum 2012 Global Technology…

iBusiness iLocal News iTech iWorld News News

Pandora’s Box – New US Cyber Security Bills create a worm hole in the Internet Galaxy

Written by Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause…” —Fourth Amendment to…

iBusiness iHealth iLocal News iTech iWorld News News

The Cardiopad: an African invention to save lives

From RNW, by Anne Mireille Nzouankeu, Yaoundé A young Cameroonian engineer has built the first fully touch screen medical tablet that could soon save many African lives. He first has to find the necessary funding to mass-produce the device. In…

iBusiness iLocal News iTech iWorld News News

Why now is a good time to buy BlackBerry

From seekingalpha People Want A Change I’m going to make a bold prediction here (no pun intended): not only will the Q10 sell well, very well, but it will be the catalyst for the birth of high performance QWERTY phones,…

iBusiness iLocal News iTech iWorld News News

Seecrypt Group Inc. launches Encrypted Voice and Messaging Service and App for Android and Apple iOS platforms

Seecrypt Mobile is a new software-only communications app which allows registered users to make and receive unlimited, secure voice calls and text messages in real-time between Seecrypt Mobile-enabled devices anywhere in the world. Seecrypt Mobile has an easy-to-use interface, similar…

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Tim Cook hints Apple won’t release new products until fall

Seth Fiegerman Mashable Don’t hold your breath for any big Apple product launches this summer. Apple’s CEO Tim Cook suggested during the March quarter earnings call Tuesday that the company will not be releasing any new products until the fall….