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USA Today’s 10 Best Caribbean shore excursions in the water [Cayman inc]

By Fran Golden, Special for USA TODAY As you daydream about a Caribbean cruise vacation, there is likely clear-blue sea in the picture. Perhaps you see yourself sitting on a white-sand beach, frozen drink in hand watching the waves. But…

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US north-east snow storm causes travel chaos

From BBC Fire crew’s hose spray freezes in US winter weather A winter storm has caused travel chaos in the north-eastern US, bringing up to two feet (60cm) of snow to some places. Some 2,300 flights were cancelled as the…

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At 94, he must let go of his piece of paradise

By Thomas Curwen From Los Angeles Times Photography And Video By Barbara Davidson Reporting from the Ventana Wilderness As night begins to fall and the lighting in the cabin grows dim, Jack English takes the Coleman lanterns outside to fill…

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Cayman Islands air arrivals continue up – cruise ship arrivals continue down

The latest tourism figures from the Cayman Islands Department of Tourism show a continued rise in air tourist visitors. The figures continue a trend of improving arrival numbers for 2013. With the exception of May, every month this year has…

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UPDATE: Cruise ship spends Christmas stuck in ice off Antarctica – rescued by helicopter

UPDATED: Antarctic rescue of Akademik Shokalskiy ship completed From BBC Rescuers in Antarctica have safely transferred all 52 passengers stranded on the ice-bound research vessel Akademik Shokalskiy. The Australian rescue operators said the scientists and tourists were now all aboard the…

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Cayman Airways flight turns back amid safety concerns

On Saturday 28th December a Cayman Airways plane, flight KX105, departed Owen Roberts International Airport (ORIA) for Cayman Brac at 6:40 p.m., and experienced “an anomaly with one of the aircraft’s flight control systems approximately 10 minutes into the flight,”…

Caribbean News iLocal News iTravel iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Cuba: More than 2.5 mn foreign tourists in 1st 11 months of 2013

From Global Post Havana, Dec 28 (EFE).- Cuba welcomed between January and November more than 2.5 million foreign tourists, according to figures published by the National Statistics and Information Office, or ONEI. The report said that 2,546,851 tourists arrived on…

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Passenger Missing From visiting Cruise Ship – Further update

Further update: The Canadian national who was reported missing on the 31 December 2013 has not been located to date. The RCIPS is in liaison with the family of the missing person, Royal Caribbean Cruise Line, Canadian Consulate, FBI and Royal…

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Palmerston: The island at the end of the earth

By Thomas Martienssen BBC News, Palmerston, Cook Islands It is one of the most isolated island communities in the world. The tiny Pacific island of Palmerston is visited by a supply ship twice a year – at most – and…

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Reporter for Daily Star says Cayman is Por-fection

Yes pOr-fection. The Cayman Islands we all know, who live here or visit here, are pErfection. However, the reporter was actually talking about a car made by Porsche that bears the “CAYMAN” name. Here is the story and our name…