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Reciprocal facilitation and non-linearity maintain habitat engineering on coral reefs

Yves-Marie Bozec, Laith Yakob, Sonia Bejarano and Peter J. Mumby Y.-M. Bozec ([email protected]), L. Yakob, S. Bejarano and P. J. Mumby, School of Biological Sciences, Univ. of Queensland, St. Lucia,Qld 4072, Australia. YMB and PJM also at: College of Life…

Editors Choice iLocal News iWorld News News

Yates is back in the news

Ex assistant commissioner John Yates of Scotland Yard is in the news again concerning the murder of Daniel Morgan after the UK’s Home Secretary has ordered an inquiry into his death and the police investigation. Yates was the police chief…

iLocal News ISports iWorld News News Sports World

Dominican Olympic runner ready to run at the highest level

Santo Domingo, May 13 (Prensa Latina) The Dominican runner Luguelín Santos, Silver Olympic winner, has set his sights on major competitions this year, including the World Cup in Athletics in Moscow from 10 to 18 August. After reaping three wins…

iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

Forbes has another article about the offshore financial centres featuring the Cayman Islands

From Forbes and written by Timothy Spangler to promote his book “One Step Ahead” Offshore Financial Centers Solve the Problems Onshore Regulators Pretend They Don’t Have The Cayman Islands are lovely. Located in the Caribbean between Cuba and Jamaica, this…

iCrime iJamaica iLocal News iWorld News News

Bishop expects little to come from Tivoli Report—

Rev. Dr. Howard Gregory, Anglican Bishop of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, says that Jamaicans should not expect much action from the government on the recommendations from the Public Defender’s report on the incident that occurred in Tivoli Gardens in…

iArt iLocal News iWorld News News

Vintage magazine from China: Modern Sketch

From Designer Daily I stumbled across this old Chinese magazine and thought it was worth sharing. Unfortunately I couldn’t find much information about it, but I found it very interesting nevertheless. The layout is quite good and kind of modern,…

iLocal News ISports iWorld News News Sports Local Sports World

Cayman Islands kicks off preparations for the 2013 edition of the CONCACAF U15 Tournament

The Local Organizing Committee for the CONCACAF U15 Tournament has kicked off this week its preparation for the inaugural edition of the CONCACAF U-15 Tournament that will take place in the Cayman Islands from 11 to 25 August 2013. The…

iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

Top Nevada gambling regulator raises red flags on allowing equity firms to place sports bets

  By Sandra Chereb, From The Republic CARSON CITY, Nevada — A top gambling regulator raised red flags Friday on a proposal to allow private equity firms to place large bets at Nevada race and sportsbooks. AG Burnett, chairman of…

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Supplemental feeding of stingrays report shows tourist-feeding changed their ways

Supplemental Feeding for Ecotourism Reverses Diel Activity and Alters Movement Patterns and Spatial Distribution of the Southern Stingray, Dasyatis americana Mark J. Corcoran, Bradley M. Wetherbee, Mahmood S. Shivji, Matthew D. Potenski, Demian D. Chapman, Guy M. Harvey Abstract Southern…

Editors Choice iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

Cayman Islands spars with Sachs over Hedge Fund directorships

By Bill Faries Bloomberg Businessweek The head of the Cayman Islands financial services industry trade group rejected charges from economist Jeffrey Sachs that the Caribbean nation’s oversight of hedge funds and banks is a “mortal threat” to the global economy….