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Nearly three years after Dodd-Frank, reforms happen slowly

From WCAI On July 21, 2010, President Obama signed into law the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, commonly known as the Dodd-Frank bill. Reporter Gary Rivlin says “the passage of Dodd-Frank was something of a miracle.” But to…

iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

Scores of rich Australians dodging taxes, ATO says

By Ben Butler, The Age National, Australia More than 100 wealthy Australians, some of them high-profile, have netted tens of millions of dollars in ill-gotten gains through newly discovered links to a worldwide network of tax havens, the Tax Office…

iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

Shanghai Hawker Pacific celebrates 10,000th flight movement milestone

From Blue Sky Business Aviation news Shanghai Hawker Pacific Business Aviation Service Centre (SHPBASC) celebrated its 10,000th flight movement since opening in April of 2010. The milestone flight, a Cayman Islands registered Bombardier Challenger 604, occurred in the early morning…

iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

To Tax or Not to Tax – Senate passes Internet sales tax bill

Written by  Theo Chambers Bill to overturn 1992 court decision has support of Obama, Amazon and Walmart – but its future in the House is uncertain. The US Senate on Monday passed a bill aimed at ending tax-free shopping on…

iEnvironment iWorld News News

CRISTINA ZENATO, 41: The Shark Handler, Freeport, Bahamas Time on the job: 17 years Why she loves it: “Sharks aren’t mean” Work requirement: Obsessive preparation and control “Swimming with sharks was a childhood dream, and I finally did it when I went to the Bahamas on vacation…

iBusiness iEnvironment iLocal News iWorld News News

CSA maritime industry conference to focus on ‘improving productivity’

From Bahama islands info Grand Lucayan Resort – The Grand Lucayan Resort will be the host resort for the upcoming Caribbean Shipping Executive Conference, taking place on Grand Bahama Island next week. Organizers say that more than 200 delegates, representing…

iBusiness iLocal News iTech iWorld News News

Pandora’s Box – New US Cyber Security Bills create a worm hole in the Internet Galaxy

Written by Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause…” —Fourth Amendment to…

iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

College bubble bursts after decades of extravagance

A Commentary by Michael Barone Published by Rasmussen Reports Markets work. But sometimes they take time. That’s the uncomfortable lesson that proprietors of America’s colleges and universities are learning. For many years, market forces didn’t seem to apply to them….

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David Moyes: Manchester United appoint Everton boss

BBC David Moyes will succeed Sir Alex Ferguson as Manchester United manager on a six-year deal starting on 1 July. Moyes, who leaves Everton after 11 years in charge at Goodison Park, was Ferguson’s recommendation to succeed him as manager…

iCrime iLocal News iWorld News News


David Tamassa, Rennie Cole, Andre Burton, George Mignot and Ryan Edwards HAVE ALL BEEN FOUND GUILTY of armed robbery of the daylight bank heist at Cayman National Bank in Buckingham Square last June. All five men were found guilty based…