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Offshore 3D printed gun blueprint protector Kim Dotcom reportedly deleting files

From Gregory ferenstein, Techcrunch 3D printed guns are reportedly even too scary for the infamous free-information hacker, Kim Dotcom. After the U.S. State Department demanded that the designer of the world’s first fully printable gun remove the files from his…

iLocal News iWorld News News

Keeping Up the Fight Against Child Sex Trafficking

The full text of the op-ed by Senior Advisor to the President Valerie Jarrett is printed below. From The White House Blog Yesterday, I was honored to attend the 7th Annual Pearls of Purpose Gala hosted by FAIRgirls. FAIR stands…

iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

Bahamas: Cross-Border Insolvency In The Cayman Islands: Picard -V- Primeo

by John Harris and Stephen Robins, Higgs and Johnson, Counsel & Attorneys-at-Law A recent decision of the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands offers helpful guidance in respect of the remedies open to an office-holder appointed in respect of an…

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Kermit Gosnell guilty of three murders in late-term abortions

BBC A Philadelphia doctor has been convicted of the first-degree murders of three babies born alive and killed with scissors in late-term abortions. Dr Kermit Gosnell, 72, was acquitted on another charge of killing a fourth baby, who let out…

iBusiness iJamaica iLocal News iWorld News News

DCI Attends Investment Facilitation Training

Senior Investor Services Officer for the Department of Commerce and Investment (DCI), Shannon Francis, attended a two-day seminar in Kingston, Jamaica on ‘Attracting FDI through Good Investment Facilitation’. Hosted by the Caribbean Export Development Agency, in collaboration with the Caribbean…

iEnvironment iLocal News iWorld News News

Reciprocal facilitation and non-linearity maintain habitat engineering on coral reefs

Yves-Marie Bozec, Laith Yakob, Sonia Bejarano and Peter J. Mumby Y.-M. Bozec ([email protected]), L. Yakob, S. Bejarano and P. J. Mumby, School of Biological Sciences, Univ. of Queensland, St. Lucia,Qld 4072, Australia. YMB and PJM also at: College of Life…

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Yates is back in the news

Ex assistant commissioner John Yates of Scotland Yard is in the news again concerning the murder of Daniel Morgan after the UK’s Home Secretary has ordered an inquiry into his death and the police investigation. Yates was the police chief…

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Dominican Olympic runner ready to run at the highest level

Santo Domingo, May 13 (Prensa Latina) The Dominican runner Luguelín Santos, Silver Olympic winner, has set his sights on major competitions this year, including the World Cup in Athletics in Moscow from 10 to 18 August. After reaping three wins…

iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

Forbes has another article about the offshore financial centres featuring the Cayman Islands

From Forbes and written by Timothy Spangler to promote his book “One Step Ahead” Offshore Financial Centers Solve the Problems Onshore Regulators Pretend They Don’t Have The Cayman Islands are lovely. Located in the Caribbean between Cuba and Jamaica, this…

iCrime iJamaica iLocal News iWorld News News

Bishop expects little to come from Tivoli Report—

Rev. Dr. Howard Gregory, Anglican Bishop of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, says that Jamaicans should not expect much action from the government on the recommendations from the Public Defender’s report on the incident that occurred in Tivoli Gardens in…