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5 Films that wasted their potential

By Scott Patterson Cinema 101, Editor’s Picks Sitting through an awful film is an excruciating experience, especially when you feel compelled to keep going for the sake of critical merit. The whole thing feels like a colonic irrigation that, lets…

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Gender gaps in health

From Cayman Islands Ministry of Community Affairs, Gender and Housing From birth to death, human beings experience a wide range of emotional, psychological and physical experiences that shape our lives and inevitably can affect the state of our health and…

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World Kidney Day Open House at HSA Dialysis Unit – Thursday March 14

The Cayman Islands Health Services Authority invites everyone to the join in celebrating World Kidney Day 2013 tomorrow Thursday March 14th. Stop by to take a tour of the dialysis unit at the George Town Hospital and learn more about…

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President Obama upbraids China over cyber attacks

President Barack Obama has said in a TV interview that the US is engaging in “tough talk” with China about its alleged cyber attacks on America. Mr Obama told ABC News some, but not all, hacking originating from China was…

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The Editor Speaks: When volunteers are “obstructive”

I was startled to hear Terrie Farrington from the Cayman Islands Humane Society Board say on CITN/Cayman27 that some volunteers who walk the Society’s dogs were “obstructive”. Unpaid volunteers who heeded the Society’s appeal for more dog walkers are being…

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Cayman Enterprise City Chairwoman marks one year at the helm of Special Economic Zone

Caymanian Cindy O’Hara has overseen development of the knowledge based Zone in the Cayman Islands during the past 12 months to include 48 companies, with more than 120 more businesses in the sales pipeline. Among her proudest achievements is a…

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“Bo Bo” Miller to run in George Town

Derrington “Bo Bo” Miller has announced he will be contesting the available seats in George Town in the Cayman Islands 2013 May elections. He will officially be starting his launch on Thursday (14) at the George Town Hall at 7:30pm….

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West Bay Road closure gazetted

By Georgina Wilcox In an Extraordinary Gazette published on the Cayman Islands Lands & Survey Department’s website on Wednesday (13) (go to: the government has officially closed the first portion of the West Bay Road. The road section remains…

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UK welcomes election of new Pope

British Prime Minister David Cameron has welcomed the election of a new Pope, saying it is a “momentous day” for Catholics around the world. Jorge Bergoglio, the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, was elected pontiff on the fifth ballot on Wednesday…

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Warning about the catastrophic impact on lowlands from sea level rises

Scientific evidence indicates that global warming could well lead to a sea-level rise of 1 meter or more in the 21st century. A rise in sea levels by a meter from climate change could destroy more than 60 percent of…