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Anger, drama at Ratko Mladic’s genocide trial

(AP) — He’s no longer the swaggering general who held Sarajevo “in the palm of his hand” during Bosnia’s 1992-95 war. Yet as his long-awaited genocide trial began Wednesday, Ratko Mladic still managed to reopen old wounds with the flick…

iWorld News News

Texas ‘executed an innocent man’, report claims

The US state of Texas is likely to have executed an innocent man due to careless handling of the case, a report by US law students claims. Carlos de Luna was killed by lethal injection in 1989 for the brutal…

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Cayman Islands part of Buzz Aldrin’s travelling life

The former astronaut, Buzz Aldrin, on Mayfair hotels, Arctic adventures and why scuba diving is the closest thing to moonwalking. With a mother whose maiden name was Moon, Buzz Aldrin seemed destined to travel there. On July 20, 1969, he…

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90% Greece bond payment goes to Dart Management

When Greece announced on Tuesday that it had made a €436 million bond payment to the hold-out investors who rejected the country’s historic debt revamping deal in March, the decision came as no surprise. After all, with the Athens government…

iWorld News News

Greece gets caretaker PM until next vote in June

(AP) — A senior judge was sworn in Wednesday to head Greece’s caretaker government for a month as the debt-crippled country lurches through a political crisis that threatens its membership in the 17-nation eurozone. The political uncertainty is worrying Greece’s…

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Cayman Islands makes Guardian’s Top 10 swimming holidays

Long-distance outdoor swimming was once the preserve of elite athletes or eccentrics such as ‘Big River Man’ Martin Strel, but a growing number of us are making swimming the focus of a holiday, be it by joining a boat-supported tour…

iWorld News News

Syrian leader says terrorists are behind unrest

AP) — In his first interview since December, Syrian President Bashar Assad insisted Tuesday his regime is fighting back against foreign mercenaries who want to overthrow him, not innocent Syrians aspiring for democracy in a yearlong uprising. The interview with…

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Anglican Bishop balks at three-man contract panel just before his enthronement

Lord Bishop-elect of the Anglican Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, Rt. Rev. Dr. Howard Kingsley Ainsworth Gregory has called on the People’s National Party Administration to rethink its decision to appoint an Independent Oversight Panel to expedite negotiation…

ISports iWorld News News Sports World

Column: Olympic first, a home from home in London

AP) — Excited, likely jet-lagged, bursting with ambition and surely a little nervous, too, the thousands of Olympians speaking a multitude of tongues will find and settle into their rooms at London’s new, purpose-built Olympic Village this July. And, in…

iWorld News News

Greek coalition talks fail

Greece is set to go to the polls again after days of coalition talks failed to produce agreement on a new government, says the leader of the Socialist Pasok party, Evangelos Venizelos. A final round of talks on Tuesday morning…