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iWorld News News Today

Wildfires destroy dozens of homes in Texas

POSSUM KINGDOM LAKE, Texas (AP) — Wildfires sweeping through parts of Texas and Oklahoma have destroyed dozens of homes and forced hundreds of people to evacuate, and although officials don’t yet know what ignited the blazes, a summer heat wave…

iStrange iWorld News News

Arizona man describes shears impaling eye socket

PHOENIX (AP) — Leroy Luetscher could feel the pruning shears jutting from his face as he tried to determine just what had happened to him after trimming the plants in his backyard and then falling face-first. At 86, Luetscher was…

iWorld News News Today

5 patients get HIV-infected organs

AIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — One of Taiwan’s best regarded hospitals said HIV-infected organs were mistakenly transplanted into five patients after a hospital staffer misheard the donor’s test results by telephone. The five are now being treated with anti-AIDS drugs, an…

iStrange iWorld News News

Washington man lights beehive on fire after sting

LYNDEN, Wash. (AP) — A Washington state fire chief says a man dumped gasoline on a beehive in a tree in retaliation for a bee sting, then ignited the hive, causing an explosion heard throughout his suburban neighbourhood just a…

iWorld News News Today

Obama faces tight restraints in crafting jobs plan

WASHINGTON (AP) — Hamstrung by budget cuts and a tight debt ceiling, President Barack Obama is preparing a September jobs package with limited tools at his disposal to prime the economy and crank up employment. At a minimum, the president’s…

iWorld News News Today

19 China miners rescued after week, three more missing

BEIJING (AP) — Their faces black with coal dust, 19 miners trapped for a week underground were pulled to safety Tuesday in northeastern China as rescuers searched for three missing colleagues. Helmeted teams brought each man up on a stretcher,…

iWorld News News Today

Murdoch company puts other UK papers under review

LONDON (AP) — Rupert Murdoch’s scandal-hit News International confirmed Tuesday it is reviewing journalistic standards across the company, a U.K. media empire that includes The Times of London newspaper. The British newspaper arm of Murdoch’s global empire has been shaken…

iTech iWorld News News

Social media fuels college megaparty

DENVER (AP) — An apartment complex near Colorado State University that used Facebook to advertise “the biggest pool party of the year’” got more than it bargained for — at least 2,000 people, most of them college students, showed up….

iWeather iWorld News News

T.S. Katia Tracking West-Northwestward. Tropical Development In The Gulf of Mexico Looking Likely

As we forecast yesterday (30) T.D. 12 is now Tropical Storm Katia that is expected to develop into a hurricane at any moment and a major storm by the weekend. Although the forecast track takes it north of us it…

iStrange iWorld News News Today

Man hid 7 snakes, 3 tortoises in his pants

MIAMI (AP) — The Transportation Security Administration says a man tried to board a flight from Miami to Brazil with nylon bags filled with exotic snakes and tortoises hidden in his pants. TSA spokesman Jonathon Allen says the man was…