
iLocal News Archives


iStrange iWorld News News

No cash for Minn. boy who made ‘miracle’ shot

MINNEAPOLS (AP) — It was an amazing hockey shot, with the puck sliding into a tiny hole from center ice for a $50,000 prize. But a penalty was called on the Minnesota boy who made the shot during a charity…

iTech News

What is the best tablet?

The tablets I am talking about here are not the medicinal ones. I am talking about technology’s newest best-selling ‘gadget’ – the tablet computer and read iPad. Apple sold 15 million of them in 2010 and many experts predict that…

iWorld News News Today

Libyan rebels catch Gadhafi foreign minister

TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) — Rebels hunting the top officials in Moammar’s Gadhafi’s ousted regime have captured his foreign minister and are closing in on Gadhafi himself, rebel officials said Thursday. The announcement, made on the 42nd anniversary of the coup…

iLocal News News Today

Public Entities Meet Financial Deadline

For the first time since the Public Management and Finance Law was introduced, public sector entities across the board have kept to the deadline to submit financial statements to the Auditor General’s Office. Wednesday 31st August, is the date by…

iWeather News

Hurricane Katia poses no threat to land for the next few days but keep an eye on Invest 93L

The unsettled weather that brought us thunderstorms and heavy rain over the last few days has finally moved away from us. Rob Lightbown on his Crown Weather website says: “My thinking is that 93L will meander around just off of…

JUST AND FAIR DECISION: Devon’s mom says acquittal was correct

In an emotional post-verdict interview yesterday, the mother of Devon Anglin, acquitted of murder in the Grand Court, detailed her private anguish at the trial and public vilification of her son. “The last 18 months have been the most intense…

iStrange iWorld News News

Alaska woman punches bear in snout to save dog

JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — A Juneau, Alaska, woman says she knows it was stupid to punch a black bear in the snout to save her dog. But Brooke Collins says the attack happened so fast that all she could think…

Fashion for a cause

The RoofTop Bar hosted a sparkling catwalk show of Diana Uylett’s, also known as ‘Bobsy’, designs to raise money for her cancer treatment. The sophisticated dresses and chic lines raised over CI$6000 for the Caymanian designer who is currently in…

Editors Choice iCommunity News

After-School Programme Teaches Heritage

The Honoutrable Premier McKeeva Bush, in conjunction with Cayman Traditional Arts, is pleased to announce the launch of a new after-school cultural programme – “Bringing Heritage to Life”. The after-school programme is comprised of three courses, spanning 12 weeks each:…

iWorld News News Today

Coke pleads guilty to avoid life

NEW YORK, United States, Thursday September 1, 2011 – Jamaican drug lord Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke has pleaded guilty in a deal with US prosecutors to avoid spending the rest of his life in prison. Coke, 42, pleaded guilty yesterday in…