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iCommunity iLocal News News

Community light a candle for Karen

Tomorrow a Candlelight Vigil will be held in memory of the late Karen Edwards and her unborn child. Ms. Edwards was tragically taken in a car crash on Sea View Road in East End just after 7pm on Sunday August…

iScience iWorld News News

It’s alive! Space station’s humanoid robot awake

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — NASA’s humanoid robot has finally awakened in space. Ground controllers turned Robonaut on Monday for the first time since it was delivered to the International Space Station in February. The test involved sending power to…

iLocal News News Today

Number portability row may end up in court

Authorities are studying court action to enforce the overdue 1 July date for telephone companies to launch “number portability“, enabling mobile telephone users to change service providers, but keep their personal number. “That is under consideration,” said Dave Archbold, managing…

iLocal News News Today

Police have good information over missing Kerran

Police have narrowed their inquiries in the search for missing Kerran Baker, having interviewed everyone that had Blackberry Messenger contacts with her on the night she disappeared. “The good news is that we have visited and spoken to everybody with…

Editors Choice iCommunity iLocal News News Today

Toastmasters tackle Glossophobia

The Grand Cayman Toastmasters Club meets on Thursday nights at the Chamber of Commerce offices in Governor’s Square. It aims to train members in all the skills associated with public speaking. Advanced Toastmaster Annick Jackman introduced the evening’s activities –…

front pg story iLocal News News Today top news

MEAN STREETS: Terrified granny says it was just like the movies

A 70 year old woman has relived the moment a callous gunman robbed her family store – firing his weapon wildly in the air as he did so. Eunice Seymour has worked behind the counter at Uncle Clem’s Meat and…

front pg story iLocal News News Today top news

To the edge of the universe!

Miss Cayman Cristin Alexander is ready to take on the UNIVERSE! The Bodden Town Beauty is flying off to San Paulo in Brazil to represent the nation in the prestigious Miss Universe competition. Miss Alexander, 24, was crowned Miss Cayman…

front pg story iLocal News News Today top news

KENTUCKY FRIED TURKEYS! KFC raiders steal empty cash register

Clueless thieves held up Kentucky Fried Chicken… but snatched the wrong till! The armed robbers struck at the drive-through window of the fast food joint just after 10:30pm on Thursday. Two men wielding a handgun and a machete threatened a…

iLocal News News Today top news

Wiretapping creates decision dilemma

Opposition continues to mount to government’s wiretapping law as lawyers and legislators question its disregard for the judiciary, instead vesting sole authority in the hands of the Governor. “The Governor is not a lawyer. A judge is the only one…

front pg story iLocal News News Today top news

Police fear the worst

Police have for the first time conceded they “fear the worst” in the search for nurse’s assistant Kerran Baker, 25, missing since 30 July. Acknowledging that little evidence had emerged in the three-week search, Chief Superintendent John Jones nevertheless said…