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Our Eye

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Air ambulance service with emphasis on the broker

I am not surprised the Ministry of Health, the Health Services Authority (HSA) and the Cayman Islands National Insurance Company (CINICO) have issued a joint statement in response to the Auditor General’s Public Interest Report on the Provision of Air…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Pro bono work Cayman lawyers don’t want

It would appear to us at first light, not in the legal profession, that lawyers make piles of money and therefore should do community work via providing critical legal assistance to those in need. The Legal Befriender Service says they…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, or an eye for a tooth?

It would be wrong of me to condemn and even more wrong if I was to explode at the opinion and the publicity given to the minority group who want to bring back the death penalty. Even subscribing to an…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: What crimes are often not reported?

I expect you are going to say rape, harassment, bullying, etc. Add to the list of a number of crimes that include theft, drugs, wounding with intent, fire detectors (lack of or broken), maintenance in public areas and the list…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Are we going to take notice of Commissioners’ Report?

It is often the norm to eagerly await the production of a report, government ministers to laud the recommendations, appoint a committee to discuss further, allow time to pass by, and then forget all about it. We have had three…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Bullet loan payments and bond waiting to boom

Despite ex-premier Bush’s claims, just before he was removed, the government’s coffers were in a much better shape now than when he was thrust into power; this has proved to be far from the truth. It is extraordinary for an…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Poor signage is the reason roundabouts are challenging here

Being British, roundabouts have never caused me any problems as I learnt the ‘give way’ golden rule even when I was a schoolboy. On every roundabout in the British Isles you will see a sign that says “Give Way to…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Is it right to post an unofficial sex-offenders list?

Local activist Sandra Catron has come under fire by the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service (RCIPS) for her unofficial sex-offenders list. Catron has created a Facebook page to name those who are convicted of abusing children or other sex-related crimes….

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Experience no one wants and no one wants inexperience

When you reach 60 years of age no matter what experience you possess rarely does an employer want you. Why? I remember the late media mogul Desmond Seales telling me that the only way he can get employed now he…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Do we need to prosecute trivial cases?

A crime is a crime no matter how trivial. It is not the amount, it is the intent. Thou shalt not kill! One cannot argue with that but ……. Our court system is so overloaded we have prisoners awaiting trial…