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Our Eye

Editorial Editors Choice iLocal News iOpinion News Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: What should Evans do?

In my Editorial on March 7th in iNews Cayman, I asked the question “Can ICO hand over confidential submissions to third parties?” (go to I announced that John Evans, who was one of the persons who applied to the…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Attacks from dubious sources and hurrahs from another territory

It is somewhat woeful when a Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) accuses the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service (RCIPS) of “many atrocities” with little or no evidence to back up such a statement. Because he can use the privilege…

Editorial Editors Choice iLocal News iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Down again but Not Out!!

It is nice to know that people care when they can’t login to iNews Cayman and send us emails to ask if we knew our website was down again. Yes we did know and it has been a frustrating four…

Editorial Editors Choice iLocal News iOpinion News Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: When is conservation a good time?

It is difficult to come to terms with a self-proclaimed “staunch environmentalist” who believes more protection for the marine environment and expanding the marine parks is a good idea, but “it’s simply not the right time to do so”. One…

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Thailand, Investigate Murder of Environmentalist!

Care2 Petition Target: Thailand Government Sponsored by: Brittany E.G. Since 2001, 30 environmentalists and human rights activists have been killed in Thailand. Someone has been charged in fewer than 20% of the murders. The most recent case is the murder…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Time costs money and it’s often wasted

The Royal Cayman Islands Police Service has made the public aware of how they are hard pressed to attend to the proper policing the Cayman Islands deserves because of manpower. They still have it on their radar to “focus” on…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Cayman health insurances set to rise but HIC Super says it is “reasonable”

Mervyn Conolly, Superintendent of Health Insurance Commission, announced the Cayman Islands basic plan for health insurance has to be improved and updated because it was not meeting people’s needs. He also stated it was reasonable to expect cost increases as…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor speaks: Do we over-react and miss the big picture?

The airline flight attendants are “outraged” at the “poor and shortsighted decision” by the America’s Transport Security authority who have relaxed the rules and will allow small knives to be carried on the planes. They are claiming they are now…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Can ICO hand over confidential submissions to third parties?

With Jennifer Dilbert, the Cayman Islands Information Commissioner (ICO) making her latest ruling in favour of the Governor’s Office in the matter of the non release of the 2012/13 Budget correspondence, it shows even more surprise when she ruled against…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: When will motorists learn speeding can kill?

It seems not a week goes by when we learn of motor vehicular accidents here in the Cayman Islands that are caused by cars speeding. When the speeding involves cars actually racing one another on our public roads at night…