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Our Eye

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: What has been achieved by our elected officials and who is to blame?

With a general election coming in May and every week there is an announcement of Caymanians throwing their political hat into the ring, it is good to reflect what was achieved over the last 3 ½ years by our present…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Turtle Farm’s annual report does not make for happy reading

It is unfortunate that the latest Annual Report of the Cayman Islands Turtle Farm (CITF) coincides with an imminent visit from the International Media Manager of the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA). Neena Dhaun will be with…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Strong words from Ezzard but can he deliver?

He who shouts the loudest will always be heard and there is no doubt that Ezzard shouts as loud as McKeeva Bush and often with more sense. However, his latest announcement via a telephone call to his favourite media site…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Bridger won’t give up

The decision I criticised H.E. Governor Duncan Taylor for in seeking judicial review of an order his office received to release a complaint by former “Operation Tempura” chief investigator Martin Bridger has resulted in Bridger announcing to another local media…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: A refreshing Press Briefing

It was a refreshing change to witness the new government’s Press Briefing on Tuesday (8). There was none of the tired old swipes at the previous People’s Progressive Party Movement’s (PPM) government that had gotten the Cayman Islands into the…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: It’s not official but it’s closing

It was with some surprise to find the National Roads Authority (NRA) closed part of the West Bay Road on Wednesday (9). This was in preparation for construction work on the eastbound side of the road. My inquiries, and confirmed…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: The smell of scum is back

The scum of the Cayman Islands society were back in earnest on Monday night. Determined to make our beautiful islands a place to harass, steal, terrify and maim innocent citizens, trash have crawled out of their garbage cans and delivered…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: An unfortunate decision by HE the Governor

With the somewhat adverse publicity and the “loose” charges made by certain members of the United Democratic Party concerning the United Kingdom (UK)’s role in the Cayman Islands political affairs, it is disturbing to read that Cayman Islands Governor Duncan…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Can 2013 bring hope?

If one reads the blogs in our local media sites we don’t have much to look forward to in 2013. The Fab 5, or the Famous 5, or the Judas 5, or whatever you wish to call them, who jumped…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Looking forward but first we have to look backwards too

Listening to and reading all the events leading up to the USA’s fiscal cliff and the last minute (and past deadlines) decisions to avert same, do you see a similar pattern here to our own ones in the Cayman Islands?…