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Our Eye

Editorial Editors Choice iEditorial iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: What does the word “fair” mean?

The premier said in the LA when he was speaking about the referendum on the One Man, One Vote (OMOV) issue that he was being as fair as possible. Even knowing Mr. Bush as I do I gasped at that….

Editorial Editors Choice iEditorial iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: What a waste

The government’s Water Authority has once again advertised for tenders to be submitted for the acquisition and ownership of  “the public wastewater infrastructure on Grand Cayman, and to operate and maintain the sewerage system and to provide wastewater services under…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Kenneth Bryan

I read with some surprise that news journalist Kenneth Bryan of CITN/Cayman 27 fame has resigned from the television station because he is considering trying his hand at politics. Reading one of the usual less informed blogs on Cayman’s favorite…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: More questions than answers

Two stories have appeared over the last few days in the “Caymanian Compass” and on “Cayman News Service” (CNS) site concerning the infamous Stan Thomas letter and part of the three investigations the premier is under investigation from the RCIPS….

iOpinion Our Eye

I want to be wanted

“I Want to be Wanted” was a popular song in 1960 that was sung by American pop/country singer Brenda Lee. Although originally an Italian song it had different English lyrics written by Kim Gannon. The song starts: “(Wanted, wanted) Alone,…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: All is well, so we won’t beat about the bush – not today

It would seem on face value that our Premier has done nothing wrong. We have heard his explanations to two of the charges against him and he is Lily white and we can all go on with our sails trimmed,…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Is this a record for a government referendum?

Premier McKeeva Bush’s government must hold a new record. Where else in the world has a government held their own referendum – I will say this twice – their OWN referendum, and officially opposed it? How can they possibly introduce…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

the Editor Speaks: Is blasting of Bush a damp squid?

After reviewing the paperwork, albeit at a distance and copies, on face value I really can’t understand what the fuss is about. The premier said from the outset he was only trying to help someone out and in this case…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: What a mess

I must wonder at the thinking behind PPM leader, Alden McLaughlin, at some of his invited “guests” at the PPM rally in Savannah on Monday (7). I am not sure he is doing himself or his party much favour. It…

iDrink iLifestyle iOpinion Our Eye

How much will you pay for a cup of coffee and do you know how to order it ?

I used to pay as little as 50 cents for a 7oz paper cup of instant coffee from a vending machine. A slightly bigger paper cup of coffee from outlets like Starbucks costs over $2! Here in Cayman the normal…