The meaning of dreams
The interpretation of dreams is as individual as the people who dream them and was considered a supernatural communication or a means of divine intervention, whose message could be unravelled by people with certain powers. There are many records available…
Even at night you can still have solar power
My friends at Care2 sent me this interesting article written by Jake Richardson A very large solar power plant in Spain produces electricity even at night. It does so by storing heat produced in the day with its 2,600 mirrored…
Andrew is always angry
It was in a home where anger was used to control everything where Andrew grew up. Not only was anger used to control the children but also Andrew’s parents used it even to control each other. Andrew and his siblings…
The Editor Speaks: Baron Blencathra comes for a visit
David MacLean, Baron Blencathra, a Scot and a Conservative Party life peer, is coming here for a visit with three MPs from the all parliamentary party group (APPG) for Cayman. Baron Blencathra will be arriving next week and will have…
How to be a successful rhinoceros
There have been a lot of books written about how to sell, how to succeed in business, and other similar titles. Many of them give complicated formulas for success. I came across a book that broke it down really simple….
World Water Day is March 22
by Rebecca Carter, Microist by Ecorazzi In the past couple of months, I have become immersed in learning about the water crisis and the work of Before that time, I’m not sure if I could have even told you…
Flattering fashions
Looking both stylish and slim determines how women feel about themselves. Most women, regardless of age, shape or size, perceive that they have body flaws and most believe their stomachs is their major problem area, followed by thighs, hips and…
The Editor Speaks: Northward, crime, building and still missing
My Editorial on the problems at Northward Prison certainly stoked some fires and I am pleased to report that the guards are now trying to stamp out the blatant throwing of drugs over the perimeter wire fence by ‘friends of…
Morality Pt. II
Giving does not have to be monetary, it can be in other forms, such as giving time or knowledge. This bring us to our next example of morality reduction that has been in existence here. Many parents today are not…
Sleep Apnea information
Sleep apnea is more common than you think. I’d be willing to bet that at least a few of your close friends suffer from it too. Well, the information age now allows you to listen to thousands of different opinions…