
iLocal News Archives

Our Eye

Consumers spend more after incomes rise again

WASHINGTON (AP) — Consumers earned a little more in January and spent most of the extra money. The modest gains should keep the economy growing slowly. But they disappointed economists, who were expecting bigger increases after two months of strong…

What famous people say about gossip

I decided, at a reader’s request, to write about gossip and, along the way, to note what others have gossiped about it. What might I say under the influence of a confessional potion when asked, “Why do you always talk…

Diamond scams

When it comes to diamonds, there are numerous scams to avoid. Most scams are minor, but there are some major ones that come up from time to time concerning the buying and selling of diamonds. Scams occur simply because most…

iOpinion Our Eye

It’s on sale and going cheap

Paul McGowan of PS Audio ([email protected]) writes to us with his interesting take on the reasons retailers have sales. Opening my email I noticed a audio retailer was having a sale and it was tied to a calendar occurrence. Is…

Reconnecting with the stars after Ivan

If you were here in the Cayman Islands immediately after Hurricane Ivan (Sept. 2004) and looked up to the heavens you would have seen the sky was deep black, but thick with twinkling dots and dim wisps of cottony light….

Editorial iOpinion Our Eye

Editorial: Throwing a Dart

One should always beware of someone throwing a dart, especially if it is aimed at you. Not only if it hits you it will hurt and if it is laced with poison it might kill you. I am somewhat astounded…

Mantle Clocks

Mantle or shelf clocks are generally small clocks found in a house placed on a shelf, mantle or above a fireplace. They are often highly ornate, decorative works and most frequently constructed from any combination of ormolu, porcelain, and wood….

iOpinion News Our Eye

Astronomy and space

Astronomy and space is all about lust for learning. It is not only one of humanity’s oldest sciences but is one of the earliest sciences that humanity has ever pursued. So the study of our universe is not new but…

iOpinion News Our Eye Your View

Letter to the Editor: Dr. Florence Goring-Nozza, D.Div

In response to an article I read in another news media I’d like to share my thoughts with the people of the Cayman Islands. As some amongst us seem to push for self determination; I think more importantly we need…