The Editor Speaks: Shouldn’t completing our schools be the highest priority?
The Clifton Hunter High School that was scheduled to open for Easter with all the accompanying hoopla has now been delayed until September. Wow. We are not talking about a few weeks but SIX months! The reason given by Hon….
Red, red, red wine, and cheese, and blood pressure
When I was living in England, cheese and wine parties were very common. My local Anglican church would host one at least three or four times a year to raise funds. They were very popular where people would socialise and…
Overcoming fear
People are usually afraid of negative things. We all encounter self doubt and are fearful of making mistakes. We are even afraid of self-improvement because of this fear. The best way to remove this fear is to understand that life…
Birds are fascinating
Birds are fascinating. They are beautiful, they are all around us, they roost and nest on our buildings and trees and feed in our gardens. They are easy to find and fun to watch. Here in Cayman we don’t have…
The Editor Speaks: One man (meaning person) one vote
As we reported yesterday (14), East End and North Side MLA’s Arden McLean and Ezzard Miller launched their campaign at a public meeting in East End for “one man, one vote”. The meeting was held in the parking lot of…
Letter to the editor: 12 February 2012
The United Kingdom is justified in exercising its right to require the Cayman Government to return to responsible financial management as required by section 14 of the Public Management and Finance Law (PMFLaw) and section 113 of the Cayman Constitution. …
The Editor Speaks: Prison and rehabilitation
It was with some dismay, but not shock, to read the newly published report from the Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC) that found the rehabilitation programmes we believed were in place were completely neglected. The report was commissioned…
Alone on Valentine’s Day
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and this is true for St. Valentine’s Day. It is a wondrous thing to be with the one you love. And St. Valentine was persecuted, endeavouring to maintain a pagan right of choice and…
Only a man could come up with “Plus Size”
What chauvinist male came up with the name “plus size” for women’s clothing? Plus size just sounds so unflattering. Men don’t have plus size clothing sections. No they just have bigger sizes. I would love to see a plus size…