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Editorial Editors Choice iCommunity iLocal News iOpinion iWorld News News Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Water

Did you know that we are in the middle of “World Water Week”? It runs from Sunday 26 August to Friday 31 August I was not. I was made aware when I was sent two stories for publishing from World…

Caribbean News Editorial Editors Choice iBusiness iCommunity iLocal News iOpinion iWorld News News Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Cayman Islands coast guard service

It’s official. We now have a Cayman Islands Customs and Border Control Agency. Yesterday (Mon 27) at a hastily announced Press Conference, Premier Alden McLaughlin announced Robert Scotland, Leo Anglin and Charles Clifford as heads of the new agency. See…

Editorial Editors Choice iBusiness iLocal News iOpinion iWorld News News Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Airport security staff need to be polite

There would seem to be some training needed for our security staff to be POLITE! I have noticed it too at the airport and now a frequent visitor to our islands has complained on tripadvisor. This is what the visitor…

Editorial Editors Choice iCommunity iLocal News iOpinion News Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Wong was wrong but Immigration was right

Deputy Chief Immigration Officer (DCIO) Garfield Wong was found guilty last Wednesday of careless driving and leaving the scene of an accident. The third charge against him of DUI was found not guilty. On December 27th 2013 Wong was driving…

Editorial Editors Choice iBusiness iCommunity iLocal News iOpinion iWorld News News Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: National Anthems and Songs

Here, in the Cayman Islands we have the National Anthem – “God Save the Queen” and the National Song – “Beloved Isle Cayman”, At national events, including sporting events where one of the teams playing is representing our country, our…

Editorial Editors Choice iCommunity iLocal News iOpinion News Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Joke! Lady readers the following is a JOKE!

Ladies do not read this Editorial. [This will mean you will!] Sent in by one of our readers. As I will not be in the office very much today (Wed) I thought all of us males needed a laugh instead…

Editorial Editors Choice iCommunity iLocal News iOpinion News Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Water and NEWSTART

Last Friday, my wife, Joan, came home with a free bottle of water and a pamphlet informing us how precious water is. The free bottles of water and the pamphlet hand out was an initiative of the fifteen Seventh-day Adventist…

Editorial Editors Choice iBusiness iCommunity iLocal News iOpinion iWorld News News Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: Corruption

Is corruption everywhere? Even here in the Cayman Islands? If you are tuned in to the daily radio talk shows and listen to the promotional ads for these programmes you would answer ‘Yes’ there is corruption here. However, where is…

Editorial Editors Choice iCommunity iLocal News iOpinion News Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: The clampdown on window tinting may cause more accidents

The vigorous current clampdown on what the RCIPS call illegal automobile window tinting may cause more accidents. It is now worrisome to all motor vehicle users who have had tint applied to their windscreens that it may be illegal. Without…

Editorial Editors Choice iCommunity iLocal News iOpinion News Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: A GOOD survey. Not a BAD survey.

We have published today a Press Release that carries the headline: “Cayman Islands Schools Survey: “Students are satisfied with their school”’. Excellent. This is a quite different outcome from what I was expecting. The consensus feeling I was getting from…