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Treasure’s jewel in the crown

Caymanite artist Horacio Esteban’s work is now on show in the lobby of Treasure Island. The spectacular earthy colours of the semi-precious sculptures can be seen throughout his work and also in the hand made jewellery that is available to…

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CARNAGE ON THE ROADS: Pregnant woman And unborn child Killed in car smash

A pregnant woman and her unborn child have died following a car crash in East End. Karen Edwards was thrown from the mangled wreckage during the smash and rushed to Cayman Islands Hospital. She was pronounced dead on arrival and…

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GUNNED DOWN: Jeremiah shot dead trial hears

Devon Anglin shot dead four year old Jeremiah Barnes at point-blank range, narrowly missing intended target, father Andrew Barnes, as he drove away from a West Bay petrol station, prosecutors told the Grand Court on Friday. Opening a three-week murder…

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Robbers strike again in George Town

The owner of the auto store that was the latest victim of armed robbery says there are a number of factors as to why the current crime rate is so high. Keith Parker says although Thursday’s robbery at his store…

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Fraser brothers going for gold

Brothers Shaune and Brett Fraser prepare to head to London for the 2012 Olympics. The swimming pair are excited and looking forward to the challenge. This will be Shaune’s third Olympics and Brett’s (pictured above) second. The boys are ready…

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$2.4 million per year for juvenile rehab centers

A ministerial youth consultant claims the approach now being used at the juvenile rehabilitation centres on the Island are costly and ineffective. Michael Myles, Programme Coordinator and Liaison Officer for At-Risk Youth claims that the budget distribution for the homes…

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NEW RUNWAY, EH? Canada reveals plans for massive airport expansion

The Canadian government will send a team to Cayman in the next few weeks, talking to Airports Authority officials about redevelopment of both the Owen Roberts and Gerrard Smith terminals and runways. The group arrives in the wake of the…

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SEARCH WIDENS: Frank and South Sounds examined For Kerran clues

  Two new locations – miles away from where Kerran Baker’s car was found – are being searched by police looking for the missing 25 year old. Detectives leading the hunt to find the nursing assistant have revealed they are…

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Spotts jetty not landing yet

Rebuilding the cruise-ship jetty at Spotts Landing will not start until at least late autumn or early winter — and possibly not until next spring. The Planning Department says it has never received any paperwork for the project, and will…

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Hospital plan replaces seaport

In a double-barreled announcement yesterday, Dr Devi Shetty said his Narayana Cayman Medical University would be built on East End land owned by developer Joe Imparato, who has abandoned his proposed East End Seaport project. The announcement came Tuesday afternoon…