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iOpinion Your View

YOUR VIEW (from Comments)

COMMENTS Please continue to post comments iNews Cayman’s website is having problems with persons posting comments under our stories and editorials since we downloaded a new version of software. Although we can see them you can’t. It should have been…

iOpinion Your View

Your Comments – Please post – problem now fixed

COMMENTS Please continue to post comments iNews Cayman’s website was having problems with persons posting comments under our stories and editorials since we downloaded a new version of software. Although we could see them you couldn’t. We are pleased to…

iLocal News iOpinion Your View

Letter to the Editor

THIS LOOKS LIKE “TEMPURA TWO” I am so surprised at the immature thinking of people in our society. As though the Premier has been already charged, tried, and sentenced. This could turn out with different results contrary from the desires…

iLocal News iOpinion Your View

The homeless are persecuted in the “Land of the Free”

by: Joyce Pursley Ask these questions to yourself. Have you ever had to go without food for days? Have you ever had to worry about being arrested because of where you were living? Have you ever gone to a shelter…

iLocal News iOpinion iWorld News News Your View

Letter to the Editor

From Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Cape Town, South Africa Colin, You may not know his name, but my friend Liu Xiaobo is a global icon for freedom. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010 for his long and non-violent…

iLocal News iOpinion iWorld News News Your View

Term limits should be placed on congress

Opinion by Joyce Pursley We need to place term limits on the US Congress just as the US President has term limits on him. Some congressional leaders have been re-elected time and time again for 20,30 & even 40-years.  They…

iCommunity iLocal News iOpinion Your View

Letter to the Editor

Anonymous INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY This is a very sad day for the Cayman Islands. This is not the time to take a critical position of rejoicing at a man’s misfortune in his day of adversity. There are still those…

iClassifieds iLocal News iOpinion News Your View

Letter to the Editor from Kenneth Bryan

The next general election in the Cayman Islands will be the one that defines our future and will go down in history as maybe one of the most important. The voters will be tasked with deciding who will lead our country…

iBusiness iCommunity iLocal News iWorld News News Your View

Hell Is Grand Cayman

By Richard Bangs, The Blog It’s the final afternoon in paradise, and I head for Hell. Hell, it turns out, is a flash in the road near West Bay, named for a swatch of spiky, tortured, black, ironshore that looks…

Editors Choice iBusiness iCommunity iLocal News News Your View

Letter to the Editor from Coalition for Cayman (C4C)

Our Country is on a course to disaster. Political partisanship has divided us, crushed our economy, and bullied us all into feeling like we’ve lost the voice that allows us to holdour leaders accountable. This political partisanship is a result…